Minutes 1933-05-17 , . ~
~ xrroyo Gra~d~, Calitoraia
Yay 17th, 1~$S.
~ City Couaoil met in regtll.ar session with,
! Ita~yor J. 1P. ~ioore, presidiug.
Ou roll oall nIl s~emberr o! the. Couaoil
~ reportsd preeent.
1?udppro~ed miaaute~ rsad aad appro~ed as raa~.
A. E. Esston of the Bsata Yar1a t~s Canpany .
sppsared belors tb~ Cbnnoil aad pre~e~nttd ths ,
cooa~rso~ tor the asw puim~piag aparat~,s, to ba .
iartallsd at tbe Qit~ wsi~s, whie~h wss oiga~d
by tb• Ysyor nnd Citr C1erY, tor th• CitT, and
A. ~asto~? tot the Oas Canpa~qi.
ORDII~AI~CE Uo. 4Q, aa Ord3asnce ot t3t~ CitT ot
Arroro ara~ad~, usAd,in~ Orcliaaace Ao. 46, b~
adding s new 8satio~, wt~ ~ssed fis~t rsading~
Omn ~rotio~ w~s ~r~sd tbst. th~ 8trert t~psr~ .
intendant ma1rA a~g~aaente with ths 3np*rvi~or to
grt ths C+~ta~t~ ~quip~at aad te~ce ott the po3at oa ~b•
8uaout road a~ar the Dia«on plaa~, and us~r ~hdt p~ar~l
~hq oaA t~ t`ill tbe shou~d~is an the ~all+ry ro~d.
Oin Y#~#a~ ot Plsillip~s •eooaded b~ 43b~o~n, th~ ci~
G"l:erlc '"wa~ 3nstruot~d to writ• a reoat~~a~ioa to
S~ :~1; l~s~h-Aou2tlsn , V. B. Depart~at ot agrioult~
at 6anta ~nrbara ~or Bsn D. ~o~ract !ar a posi~tio~
ia his d~partmeoat~.
T'hs Cit~ Cierk wae in~trtict~d xo pr~par~ an
Ordiasac~ r~gula~iag buiiding, a~n~d to r~q~ire,s
perei~ tor seu~~.
A2~o to prspsr~ aa Orcliaaao~ tor tb• dispts~ia~
ot bs~s, .
eo turtbsr busia~ea appeariag au~d ca~ ~totioa~
tb~ ~estiag wsr-sdjonsaed. .
q~~.~~ ~
Att.~et, V~~~ary YeTor, ~