Minutes 1933-06-07 35 Arroyo Grande California, ~ June ?th, 193$. Citp Couaeil met in regular eea~ion with . l~dpor J. W. ~toore preaiding. . On roli aall, Council~en l~oore, Poole, Phillips ~ and Rrieco reported preeent, Councilman Gibeon, abeent. Una~pproved minutee read aad approved ae read• . Co~nmvaioati~ns resd and plsaed on file. J. C. 8ahow and 0. M. Withrow appeared befora the Council and made a request for the oiling and graveling - oi Wh ltaley Streat irom tha and of the pavement to the intereeotion with Ide 8treet, and along Ide 8treet to the Paoi~io Coaet Railroad right of way. W. I~. 7eyee and H. L. Clevenger made a proteet to the Couhcil againat the clo~aing o! ths danaes at one Oolook a.m. according to Ordinance Ao• 46• High Sahool Trueteee aak ed to have the pater rate aut to tha eamm rate as the Cemetarq. Ordinance I~o. 46, An Ordinance amending Ord. 1~o.4S, = aad eatitled an Ordinance of the Citq of Arroyo Grande ragulating the openiag and conductiag, publio danaee in the City ot Arroyo Qrande, The Ordinance wae adop~ted by the iollowing vote. Ayee, Cotnciimen, Yoor~, Poole, Phillips and Brieco. Aoes, Cou~ailmen None, abesnt Cotalcilman, GibsaaY. Ordinanoe Ao. 47, an Ord3nanoe of the Citq ot . Arroyo. Grande, regulating the erectioaa and constructicu o! loYt~c buildingQ, Streete, and other improvemeate. Ordinanoe No. 48. An Ordinance of the City ot Arroyo . Cira~ade, regulating the eelling, serving, furniehing of giving awaq to othere , Viaove, l~alt or epiritoue Nau- intoaiaating liquore, The Ordinance wae paeeed bp the follopiag vote, Apes, Cotmcilman, Moore, Poole, Ph illipe and Arisco, ~oea Cou~oilmen nona, Abaent Covmcilman Gibgon. Z'he Cierk wds inetruoted to prspare an Ordiaance to control the erad ication of Hori-creas. ' Rills againat the (3eneral fu~d in the sum ot ' ~643.18, and ths water fund in th e eum o~ ~4b4.86, the j claim~ were allear?ed and orderad paid. ~ i Ao turther buainase appearing and on LtQticu the ' meeting was ad~ourned. . f~ C y er . ' Attest,~~~ ltayor.