Minutes 1933-08-02 ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Califoraia, • ~ Augnst 8 1~3• City Councii met in regular seseioA with ltaYor J. 11. Yoor~ presidina. Qa roli aall, Couaoilane~ Yoor~, Poole, Philiip~t sad Arisoo, reported present, Cotmoiimao aibaon ab~sat. tfiapprovsd minut~e read and dpproved as read:`. Conm~micatioas irom Aillie,m Rridd~a, ia r~gard to th• Children tr~spnesing on his arope, going to and frcm tbs ~wimming pool, ~and aiter a dieoussioa ot th e sub ~ sot Mr. Ewing was ine truot ed t o mslc s a t sa il down t2se bant ofi da~dea Btreet, ~le3e Pool Brigge made applioatloa to build tw~o ~ t3arage~, oa~ on Pool• 8treet aad oa~ on Bridgs 8tree~. ~r. Routzahn's propositioa to eell the Cit~ a tbse• tan Track, wds turn~d down tempordrily as ther• ao t~d• avallable for tbat purpos~ at thi• time. l~r. Yoore pre~entsd a et it ion sigasd by s ma joritl oi ths bueiiness ~[en o~ the C~ty, to olose the 8tor~s at Biz Oo14ck P. Y. +uid to ap ea at se~sn Oolook JC~. Y. als4 to olose ou 9unda~ aad dll hol .~~I ~ A Kot ioA wa~s made to th~t'~'~~~~;' but r~oei~~d ao geooad,, aad ths mstter wss olo~. C. J. Relley r~pressnting t~e l~ialaad Co~mti~• Publio ~ervioe Corporation, made a r•qnset to ess th~ oohtrsot sat~r~d into betweru the City awd ths Saats ~ ~Car fa t3ae Qompaay, for the pnapimg ~i~, the request was dsaied . Th~ tollosiag bills wsre sllawed and ordersd paid, ~ Y~' In tha t3sn~ral lttad iti the st~a o t ~ 1 1 6$~ 9 7, aa d t b~ ~ wat~r f~ad in ths evm oi ~6G~.0~. • The Qity Clerl~ wae ixietruoted to prepare an l~~diasao• far th~ erndiaatiom ot ths Hori-crssa. ~ ~ 8o furtber bu~eit~es~ appearing ana cn ldotioa th~ a?e~tiag was adjouraed. 9 er Attsst, ~ t~U~?'~?. Yayof. .