Minutes 1933-08-16 41
Acrroye t3randa, Cali?oraia,
Auguet 16th, 1933,
City Council met in regular ~eseiacn~ with
~'ayor J. W. Yoore presiding.
On roll cail Cowcilmen Moore,, Poole, Philiip~s
and ,ariaco raportsd present, Gibsoa~ Absent.
Unapprt~ved minutee read and approved ae read.
The Citq Clerk wae inetruated to write the 3tate
Ca~pen~ation Iasurance Fuad, to see i! the Chief of
Police would be lnau'red far the tire department, with
' hie present ineurance ae a poliee Ofiicar.
° Mr. Terrydeirof Piemo F~eaah addresaed toe Couloil
on the eub~.ct ot State Park at Piamo Reqoh, and
~uggeeted that some one'o~ the Counoil circulate a
petitiou here f~s that purpose. _
A warrant' in tavo~r o! Foater Nvanes, in the swa
of ~3~.OQ, for ~rork in Creek was paesed and ordered paic#.
No ~rtbar busiaeee appeaitiag, toe aee~ting wae
' ad~ourne .
' y er .
At t ee t „~~T'~1~j,,c~or,~ayor.
. Auguet 16th, 1933.
~ '
The Citp Cour~ail met ae a Roard of Equalizat ia~
' ~?ith Mayor J. W. MoQre, presiding, .
' ' On roll call, Councilma~ ~to~re,, Poole, Phillipe
, aad ~'rieco reported preeent, Cotncilmsn 43bson
~ abaeut.
. The Counoilmen proceeded to eaamine the ase~sr~ent
Roll„ and ae there were no aosaplainta til~l, the
Aoard ad~ovsned to ~PedneBday 3eptember 6th
. ~
y er ,
r Attest Y~~. 3iapor'.