Minutes 1933-09-06
4~ y
~ Arro,yo Qrand~, California,
September 6th, 1958
~"ity Covaeii met in r~gular s~saiou with f~ayor
J. 1~. Yoo=• pre~idi~rrg. ' '
Oa soli oall, Couaoila~~ Yoors, PoQls, Qiba~n, ~
andPhillipe and Prsioo, teportatd premea~t, l~one sb~~t. .
T,krapp=ov~ed miautss rsad ~ad approwd as rsad:~.
A~ports ot olfio~rs ehow a,batlanw of oash in a#.h~ ~
~neral tv~d in the sum of ~1957.96, au~d the wattr t~nd .
in th• sum ~`181b.87, the reporte were aQO~pted an~! til~a.. ~
Aii~r ag~inst the gensrai f~d ia th• sum oi ~60T.8b ~
snd th• wster P~md 3n ths ~um oi ~a48.1b, th• bii.i•
wrr~ ail 4?b sad order~d psi~.
Oa motiaa it wse ~ o~rdered tbat Chiet Aranvh, ha~~? th• ,
~ail put in ord~r, aad bedding supplied. .
' On motiaa~ it was orderad that C2~iet o! PolYoe Braaoh
be iu~~ruotsd to look attar ali improvemrntr, au~d s~s that
psr~its ar~ dpplied for , nnd especially to see thst Yr. ,
~ xeha, oaopsies with th• ordinanoee, in tbe ~emaisiiag oi
ths starie buildiag.
' Ths City Cierr ~ae instruct~4 to har~ Praaah. t~ put st~c
si~ ~ up at th• ewing b~idge, and to see thst the 8~ao1 -
~ildrea do not swiag the bridg~.
8o tnrther bueiness ap.pearing aad ooa Mo~t ion h. ~
mNtin~ was nd~ourned.
Atts~t, ,~~~,~1~~'~ Yayor. Y r ~ ,
. . . ,
8sp~ember 6th, 19$S. '
City Couuail m~t pureve~at to ad~ourmn~at, ar, a'Hb~ltrd
of ~qualizaticai with Ysyor J. ~f. Yoors, pr~riQins.
t~n Roll oall all members ot the Comcil rtrpas~t~d #adtsa~oc
Yr. J. R. H~insioh represen~ing th~ ~tasaaio Hall
~.aaroviatioa, s~t~! tor a rednat~ox~ ia tih• talns a~ ~ th• ~
4<.;~, iaOro1?~aeat~, e~aQ aitsr ~xsmia 3n; th~ ~s~~sadant r~ll
snd a!aw othes buildings, it eas deefded tDat~~h~ tval~atio~
os? ttit ~st~io gall be r~dtuisd lrom ~0. to ~4d0.
~Ao turther complaint~ hd~ing b~e~ tii~d, and
Yotion bT Poo~le e~oa~de~ by aib~oe~, ~h• tauc ratie ~s
~ fi~ced aa toilan,, a~eral tverd ~~+00 aa oa• hw~lr~d
dollarr o! valudtioa, 13Y3dp a~e ~ew~r i~ouds, Ss~t~?
o~s c~ ths oue hua~dred ctvilars of vsluatio~r:, e~t+d tau
owtt~s oa th e oc~e huadr~d doilsrs ot va4lnat iaen to talc•
~ np el~linqueaoies in 8t~reet ar~es~eat~6.
~akfn~ a total tas rate ot o~e aoiiar and •i~ht* ~oe~at•
aai the aae hwdred dollars ot vsluatio~• ,
llo turth~r bus iness appsaria g and csi Mot iaa th~
mMtitts was ad~ourn~d.
. . r~ ,.i . . ` .
~tt•.t,~/f~~~~ Ysro~. ~