Minutes 1933-09-20 43
Arropo Grande, California,
8eptember 30th, 1938.
Citq Council met in regular aesaion with
~tapor J. W. Moore greeiding. • •
On roll call all membere or the Council reported preeent. ~
Unapproved minutee read and approved as resd.
Communioation from the 3tate Compeneatiom Insuranae
~ Fund 3n regard to insuring volunt~e.r firemen, wae
disausaed, and it was the ruling of the Council thdt the
- following Men be placad on the parman~ent roll.
Irwin paileq, H. G. McNeil, R. W. Fiumphreq,• and
Weeley Railey. '
In re~ard to the Turiercula~r Hoepiral, it wae moved
bRr PhilT.ipe~ and sdconded by Gibaon, that the ~ayor call
upon the County Board of Supervisore ~ad l~arn firet hand
uat dhat the situat ion i+~, and what the Aoard is
~ ~ending to do in the matter~ the Motion prevailed.
The Citq Clerk was instruated to oall the attentioa
, of th e Sanitary inepeeton ta t3~e coadition oi th e eeptic
~anks ett the Ditmas property on East L~canch 3treet`.
Qn b~ot ion it waa ordered that th e foli a~ring eohedule
• of sa~ter rates, go into elteot imm~diatelq.
Firet 3000 Cubic feet water, ~3.00
i~x~t ~000 " " " ~ ,19een~e- pe~ -~Ot~• cu-!t t : `l'
. 1Q~]Ct 3000 n ~ a 9, n n a a a ,
l~ext 8000 " a ~ g n a a a n
. 1[~~~ in sscess oi the above amouat, at 7 ote pr, 100 o~tt'.
The Citp Clerk wae instruated+to tak. chargm ai tha
oolTectioa of water bille, al~q bueines~• and at3~~x licenses,
and it ir orderedthat the C1erY may ~mploq a~~r~~time
aeeietant to aid in thie worl~.
No furthar buainese appearing and on motion
th e mes t iag wa e ad ~ ouraec~. '
Y eS ~
• A tt e et , ~h~~N'ctrr~~'~- '~ayo~. _
. ~