Minutes 1933-10-04 ~ . ~
. Arro~ro Grend~, Califoraia,
aotober 4th, 19lf;,
City Councii m~rt in rsgular es8aia~ wi~b '
Ynyor J. W. Noos~ presidi,ng. , ,
, ~n roil oall Cotimoila~ea Yoor~, Poole, Qf~s~a
and Ahillipa r~ported pre~~at Covacbimsn RrieQO, abs~a!
. ,
D~appraved miaut~s read nnd approv~d as r~act.
Cw~munioatloaa trom ths l~odera Aoa~afn aud th~
Royal lAeighbore, r~que~ting ths ~ouaoi~ te~ ahaag~ tII~
olosiag hour for d~noea from 1 Ocloot ~..Y' t~ 3 poi qsr
A.. l~. a~ter, s dieavss ion the, o~o~ting hour ramaimsd
tDe seme. ' ~ ~
A aopmmunioation trom the 3tats ~ighwa~ cao~rri~sion
r~qr~srtimg th• turning over to th• ~tat~, oertain
Qity 8tre~ts tor Higbway purposes , we~s resd sad a
~~eolution ~ramtiag to ths 8tat~ portioa~s o= P~camoh
. 8trsst, Aridg~ 8tr,eet and the 8an Luis Roa~d, wa~r pass~d~
~r tbs Covacil b~ th• ios~owiag ~ot~, Ar~s, 0ouaioila~n
. Yooz~, Pool~,, Qibsar and Pbillips,, I~oss,, no~~, abs~t +
Caurcilmen Rrisco.
. ~
klso a oommvaicatian irom th~ ditrisioa ~i ~atir
r~sourcee~, fi~cin~ s dat• ior a h~aring in tbt matt~r .
oi th,e Lopez ~~uay~ water divessiou to gaa Luts Obi~po~
Earl A. 3mith sddreesed the ~ovnoil ~~~is et~b~~ot ~
, ~of th• Tuberaulo~ ie ~iospitsl, a~od Me?~or J. A. Itoor~
espiatir~a to th• Couuail a~d visitors, ~ust ~t was
t~eiag do~s by the Cotmtp poard o! 8~st~?is~s i~n th~
~ ' matter, this •~~med to rati~t~t tba odo~ittst; ~~ad~d .
bq Attorneq Ear~ P. Sasith,, and th~ matt~r wa# olos~d
tor the pr~~~. ' '
. Ths (!'l~rY eufid Treaeur~r rsnderad r~e~rti ~o~ th~ '
fi~ratr,oee oi tb• City aad wat~r d~partm~.#~.
- Fil~e~ against th~ em~rsl tuad in th~
~ um o~ ~471. a6 aumd ths, ~at ~r lvad fa th~ ~t
~ oi ~198. 4p, tb~ bill~ wer~ a1T ~ed swd ordf~d paid.
Attorn~q Y. A. Fitzger4ld eent a aammvwi+~etitia
to the Co~oil regarding liosmess !or outaide '~r~ad
dsliveriee. A~od it wss 'ths order~ o! th• Covaoil that
~ the Citp Clerk prspare an~lt~sua Ordiae~nct !or •eme.
Qa Mot icfa it was orderad that the wat~ rat~a tor
the 3ohoois sutd the pubiio (ism~t~ry, be oY~a~gad ss,
~ v i tolle~rs; a straig2lt ratb o~ •ig~et calts per btmdr~d
Y; oubio tett, with a mini~um ot t~r: dolla~~. th~
I~ot ioa oarrlecf. .
~ ~ 8'~p~ript~dent P~. L. ~?iug ~as ~r~te~ twe
~ rre sY~ vacat iom
~ Ao ltir~b~r busiasas sPP~aring amd on me~ioa,
~~~~i th • m~tt in g waa - ad ~ ourr~~d.
\1 ~
' 31 Al' .
At te s t, I~~ ~d~~ot~. '