Minutes 1933-10-18 45 Arroya~~ Grande, Califoraia, , C~ctober 18th, 1933. City rounail met in regular eassion with Mayor, J. W. Moor~ preefding. , , • On roll call, Councilmen I~oore, Poole, Gibsom and Phillips reported preeerrt,. Counailman pt3sc~, abeent. ' Gomm troQn Rachel ?~aMarron, Ruth Johneon and , ~!grgaret Conrad, eomplaining that one of the G. C. C. „en had entered thmir home without thei~ eoneent, and the Chiei of poliee had failed 'to reepond, when called. Ghief Rram~h, reported that he had looked for the man but had. been tinable to lind him, as he t~ae not told what houae the ~an had entered: • rlerk wae inetructed to write Mr. RGibeon o? the ~ 8ta~te ~iighwaq o~fiee, and urge him to u8e hia infl- . uenae to get the Edna road eta(rt~d. ORDIpANCE No. 49; Ar~ Ord iaanoe oi th• Citp of • 1Crroqo Qran~de, a~m~ding prdinanQe 80. ~3., bq adding , a new asotion thereto, rela'~ing to the bueinese of • bakeries, whose plants are loQated outside the Citq Limite oi the ~Citq of Arropo Grands, ' st The Ordinance wae paeeed sia~cd reading by the following vote. Aqee, Couneil,men l~oore, Poole, Gibson and Ph ill ip~, Noes ,^oune ilm~n Ao~e, absent Co~e ilman ~ Pr ia ao. ' ~ The tolle~in-g bille were all ARed and ordered paid. 3tate Crnnptni~at io~ Inaure~nas, for ~18.33, from ths ~ Gen~ral fund, a~rd ~18.00 in favor Edna 3ah illing, ° from ths water rund. No .furthmr buainesa appearimg and on Motioa i the meetirlg was' ad~ourned. ' er . Atteet, '_~~?yfayor. ' 1 '