Minutes 1933-11-24 ~
~ .
Arroyo Grande, Calitornia,
November 15th,, 1 J3~.
Ci~y Council met in regular sese ion with • •
~ayor J. W. ~oore preeiding. '
Om roll oall Couaoilmen l~oore, Poole,, Gibson,
and •Phillips reported present Councilman Brisco, abeent.
thlapproved minutee read and approved ae read.
Coanmuaicatione from the P. C. Aailroad Compaay,
• relativsl~xx to the application to diseontinue traine
over a part of the3r road. a18o a commuaication from
the City of Lakeport, in regard to the ~trset aeseeement
delinqueney. The eanmunioations Were pYaced on file.
The Clerk ~vae in+atrueted to writa to the t1n~.ted
5tatee Pipe and Foundrp Companq for pricee on pipe.
Pi1Ts in the eum oP ~61'.65 drawn againet the
~wat er fund wa,a all owed and ordered paid.
No Purther businese appearin and on Motion
the meet ing was ad~ourned.•
• p er .
Atteet,~'.~ Mayo~.
~ / / / ~~lr~~r~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~w~•~~~~~~ls~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~
Arroyo Grand~, CaliPornia,
" Na~smber 34th, 1933.
The City Co~eil ~net at the call of the ~,Rayor,
with ~rayor, a. ltoere preeiding,
0~ roll cal' all.m~mbera oi the Couneil reported
The ~ayor etated the ob~eet of the m~eting was
to paee a resolution 8ubmitting application to the
Federal Cicil Worke Adminiatration for pri~eeta in
• the Citq. ~,~~on
• The No. 59 Was read by th e Clerk and
on Mot ion w~s passed bq the foll a?3ng vots.
~ Apes, Counailmen, Moora, Poole, Gibson, Phillipa and Arieao,
Noee, Couneilmen A~one.
Absent ~ounc en None, •
' ~PrS o u'~ic ~'1
The.~s~-#~!ratrte~e was atteated by the Clerk of th• Citp.
No further btaeineee appearing and on tion the eet ing
~~s ad j ourned. •
p er .
Attest, Yu~-v~ Mayor.