Minutes 1933-12-06 4S ~ H C~ ~ ~ . A!~?oyo Grands, Calliornia . t~ac~mber 6th, 1933, City Coi,a~cil met in rsgular esesion with ltaqor J. T. Moore preeiditi~, Ori roll call all taembere ot ths Council reported, preseat . ~ . ~Tnapproved minutee rsad nnd approved ae read. ,Mr. Aurr~ll, Prinoipal ot the High 3~001, aeked for a permit to cut the pavement on Eaet Rranc~ Strert, for th• purpoee o~ satqndi,n~ the water linsr, he wQa iniormed that bs a!ust make appliodtion to ths State ~iighr?sy oific~. Mnnuel Ra~rcellos, ae ageat for Mrs, 01 •haa aek~d furt~;~r t3m~ to ~replaae th• woodsn sid~q~,lk on Pranah 3trf~t, in t'ront of the Olahan property, ~tr. Parc~lloe was g,rantmd permi~sion to repair ths ~dgee o! th~ wood~n eidswallc t~,tnporarily. - R. H. Dowsil mdde applicntion !or an ~at~nsion ot th• wdter lin~ dqwn tha Pslle~ road, no action ~wae talctn. R~ports oi oftia~rs were read by th• Clerk an~ ~ aad ordsr~d plsa~d on fil~.. ,PilZs agsinet tha Gsnsral tund in th• e~n ot '~858.~ end the Water tund i~ th• eus ot ~483.89, the bilY~ w~rs allowed end ordered p~id. Qaz l~otion it was ordsrsd thnt thers would b• no p~analty attach~d to dslinquent lirst iastallment , of teu~~s. AESOLUTION Po. 60,~ A RESOLDTION OF THE CITT OF A~OYO (~F+I~IiTDE, COUl~TT OF 3A1~ LIIIB OAI3P0,, BTATE OF "CALI]~OA1~Ii, - PROT~8TIAG THE APPLICATIO~T OF T~Fi~ PACIFIC COABT . RAILROAn COYPAaY TO CLOSE CERT`Ibt $TATIONS ALOAG TH~ LINE 0~' THEIR ROAD / The reeolution was adopted by th• follo~ri~ng iot~. Ayea, Councilmen I~oore, Poolp, Qibson, Ph ill ips a~d Rrisoo. l~ots, Co,vnoilm~ar, none, Abs~nt, Couacilmsn, non~. Th• rseolution~rae att~sted by th• Glerk, Ao lurtb~r bu~in~ee~ appsar~ing and cu motion th• me~ting was ad~ouru~d. . . ~ y ~r . Attt~t, ~~ln~Y~,l~ayo~. ,