Minutes 1933-12-20 49 Arroyo Grande, California Deaember 80th, 1933. ~ i Citp ~at~ao3l met in regular sessioa *ith I J. W. Yoa~r~, presid3ng. ~ ' ~n ro:ll oall Councilmen ltoose, Poole, Phi~lips •and Qibeon reported preesnt Co~cilman Cirisco abssn~. Unapproved minutes read and approvad aa read. l~r. W. H. Dowsll mad• appliaatioa for Citq watsr, • and wae advieed by th• Citq Couzcil that it would b~ neaeeeary for him to stand the expense, and aiter a - disaueeion of the meri~e of tha ca~ee, it wse ~toved by Ph illips aad seaonded bq Poa3~, • ~ That the Pipe line dowa Valley road b• laid vader ths folia?ing plan. Applicanta to pay for all materiala, aad .^,itp to dig diteh and lay pipe, City to reimburee applicaata bq monthly water bill'~a. and when all materiale are paid for aaid line wilr belong tb the Cit~i. the Motion waa aarried and so ordere~. Reports of oificers were read showing a cash balancs 3n th• Geaeral P~md in the su~a of ~58~.16 and the water iund in the s~n 'of~1637.6b Pol iaa Judgs reported one • caes and a f 3ne of ~10. ~ ths reporte were aoQepted and placed on fil~. The fa1.~~~r~ bille against th• Gen-eral f~d in th• avm c~f ~':'3d.8~ and ths water fund in ths sum of ~~B~Op`=:, avae a1Tow~d and ordsr~d paic~. Nb further businesa appearing a~nd on Motiom th• meet ing was ad~ourned. . ~ y er . Attest,~~b g~ayor.