Minutes 1934-01-03 h~ H ~ ~ ~ Arroqo Grande, California, Januarq $rd, 1934'. ^ity Council met in rigular eeeeion with]~,.ayor J. W~bb Yoart preeiding. . . . . ~ On roll call ~ounvilmen Moar~,, PoQl~, Ciibeon, and P3~ ill ips r~port~d present, Cov~oilman Prieoo ab~~t. tJnapproved' min~utea read and approvsd ae reatl: ~ 1~. P. ari!!sn of Fair Oaks mad• application tcr irrigation wr~ter, the mattar was laid ov~r tar n~xt n~~ti~?g. ^ommvaieation lrom th~ Lsagut a~ Calilornfa ~dtmioipal- it ies read and f il~d. Tht qutetion of th~ •radication 0i th• w~ed '"~iori-cr~ss" was sgain brought up, and it wa-e suggested that th~ Cl~rk wright th• Farm Pur~au 3'or datd on th• sub~~ot. F+ill• against th• Qsneral iund ,in th~ ~um ot ~466.18 and th• ~at~s tumd in th~ swm ot ~638.07, wsr~. r~sd'anQ oa ~ I~Qtion the bill~ wert alle~+?~d and ord~rsd paid. Aepo~t• trcm ths City Cl~rk and Tr~aeurer r?as r~f~ showing balanc~s ae .iollawe; E3en~ral i~iad,~8a7.~0 aad~-,: th• wnt~r fw~d th• ewn ot ~1691.86, , Po r~port irom the Polic• Judgs, - No turther businsse app~aring and oa Motioa th~ m~~t iag w~e a~d ~ ourned. , p ~~r. Att~st, ~Y~G+r,rr~, ~rayot.