Minutes 1934-01-17 51.
Arroyo~ Grand~s California,
Januarq 17th,, 195~,
City ^ounail met in regular e~seion with
Mayar J. R?. E~oar~ presidiag.
~ On ro1T call, Counailmen Poo~le, ktoore,
Gibson and Rrisao , Phill~ips abssnt.
tTnapprovmd minutea read an3 appraved as read.
denry C-ienenger made application fcr ths
Counoil to wai~w the danc,e closing hour and
allow the danoee~ to continue to twQ Oclock A.N.
and it was tht order of the Couucil to giv~
them another ehanoe. .
City ^lark wae instruot~d to ~se Enginesr
MaLlougal about eurv~ying the drainag• pro~evt.
No further busineas appsaring ,and on ?~otion
th e mee t ing 4ae ad ~ ourned.
y sr~;
Atteet,~'//, ~'v~~aYor.