Minutes 1934-02-07 ~2~ ~ y C~ ~ " L7' - Arroy o Gra~d~ Caliiorn ia F~t~ruuq ?th 1934, City ^ounail met in r~ gular s~ss ion with W. Pool~ act ing l~ayar pr~s iding. (hr roll call, Counailmsn Poa~l~, Qib~on, P~ 1l~ip~ and Ari soo r~port ing pre ~~nt , May or J. 1P. Koc~rrr• ab~ ~nt. ~hiapprov~d •~inut~s rtad and approv~d a~ rsact. • Commu~icatioas iro~n th~ South~rn Calilort~ia L~agu~ oi Munioipaliti~~ wa~ r~ad aad plaatd on til~. p~por~~ oi off ic~re r~ad showing a balano• ~t' vasl~ ia th• •variour fuz~ds arr iollows, c3sn~ral lu~d ~98?`.30 Th• ~?at~r f~nd th• sum ot ~I64a. a6, th• polic~ Judg~ r~pc~rts ths ooll~otion ot 45.OA in fin~s, th• rsports ~~r~ aoc~pt~ed and plac~d on tii~. Ail~ again~t th• C,~n~ral rund in th• sum ot ~46~8~~4 and th~ ~at~r tt~nd in ths eum ot ~43~.35, w~r• r~ad and ordsrtd paid. Oa Mot i~ duly •~co~td~d uid carri~d it wse ord~r~Q by th~ City Counail that th• ord~r •~ttat~~.tsbing an irri- gation water ratt, pass~d on Stptsmb~r 80th, 1833,,oa pag• 48 ot r~cord~e of th• Citq Counoi~,b~ r~sci~d~~. . ~ A~. E. Ewing wa~ appoint~d Po~d I~sst~r tor th• y`ar 1934. Tht Citq Cl~rk wa~ smpowtr~d to tmploy a d~pu~~ C1~rY fa= a periat o? twer Month,~, , po turth~r bus in~ss app~ar3ag e~nd on Mot ioa t~h• m~~ting w~.s ad~ourn~d. y ~r . At t ____ll~'Qlatayar. f~. I i