Minutes 1934-02-21 ~t)
Arroyo Grand~, Californ3a
F~l~ruary 21'st, 1934.
^ity Council mst in rsgular ssaeion ~rith Mayo~r
J. Moarrs pree iding.
Cn ro-11 call, ^ouneilmen l~oo~r~, Gibeon, PhilY.ipe
and.priseo reported pr~sent, Coun~oil~an PoQls abgont• I
tlnagproved mimut~s r~ad and approvad as r~ad•
pills ag~inst the Cen~ral fund in ths sutc of ~122.08
and th• ~ater fuorid in th~ .rwr oi ~60• T6, th~ bills w~r•
al l c~a?~d and ord sr~d pa id .
~'otion mad• S~cond~d and carri~d, authazizing ths Mayor
and C ity ^1 ~rk to s ign an agr~smsnt with th~ Stats
Highway eommieeion, for th• improv~m~nt and maintsnane~
oP Rout~s 6 and 147, of th• Stat~ Eighway in th• City
of grroyo Grand~.
1~'o furth~r busin~ea appearing and on r"otion
+hf m~~t ing was ad j ourned. - -
y •r .
A t t s s t,.~itrv~v V~'~Nay o r..