Minutes 1934-03-07 ~
Arroyo Grandt, Calitoraia a"'
Yw~arch 7th, 1934
Citq Covhcil m~t in r~gul~r •~e~sioa with xaqor
lf~bb Moar• pr~siding,
4n rol~ oall Co~cllm~n 3~ocrr~, Poal~,, QiC~~c~, •
Phill'ips and Rrisao r~partee pr~i~nt, m~ns abs~nt.
• thsapprov~d mixiut~a r~~d aud approv~d a• r~ad:
ptport ot ot'fio~rs rsad ~howin a oasb balama~ in th•
Tr~asury a~ lollows,; f~n~ral fvaifl ~3809.89 and th•
wa t~r f~ m
d i
n th~ sum oi ~1706.92, th• rsport~ w~r~
aoc~pt~d arrd plae~d on fil~.
Th~ tarll~?ing Notiot of •l~otion was r~ad aaQ
pass~d bq th~ Council. -
Potio~ is her~by givtn that a r~gu].ar Mu~ioipal
~l~aticai will b• h~ld in th• City oi Arroyo (3randy~ on _
I~o~rday April 9th, 1934, ior th• follawing otfio~=s;
T~?o (3~ Coimailm~n for •th• t~rm oi four y~arf~
Th~r• will b~ car~ voti~rg pr~cit~ot, !or th~ purpos~
ot •holding ~~id •l~otion, cemsi~ting ot a coaaso~idatiom
~t th• r~gular sl~tiorr: pr~oiaot• •~tablish~d tcr holdi~g
3tat• and Count i~s •l~ot ions, ae fol~c~ws; ~
Conaolidat~d voting pr~oinot "A~ ocmpri~ing 3tat~ and
CoLntq Pr~ciaots Numb~r 0~• and Twa, and th• Rolriag plab~
th~r~of ~hall b• th• Citq gall.
Th• palls ~?ill b~ opsn bttwan th• hours f 8 ~clook
~ A. X. utd 6 Oalook P. ~t.
Dat~d uarQh ?y]~h, 1934.
~ y •r . ,
RE86IiUTI01~ N~Ct. 61,
A" AE$OLUTI~ E3TAF~LIffii2I~G P~L~ING F1:AC~8 AL~t~ ~
NESO~VED by th• Council oP th~ Citq of JlrroyQ
Grand• that th~ lo~aatioa or th• po1L'ing plao~• Rlst~ nam~s
arl th• •l~otion cffie~r• arid comp~~tation pravid~d t4r
thsm to b• and th• sam• ie h~reby' fi~c~d ae tollo~r~;
IYr~p~Ctt~s, Un• 1--- H. E. Co~t,
Jv+dg• , Oa• 1--- Myrtl• Ra31sy Ca~t~~l.
Cl~rks , Two 3--- Wa~ C. K~tctium 8~ Lilli~
p~solved that all th• said ~l~ctio~ aific~r~ b• ~
paid th~ sum ot Thr~~ (S) dolYtrs, a• full ccmparsa4i~
!or th~ir f~rvia~i in oauducting said •l~ctio~
Th• pa1Ts ahall b• optn~d rt 8 Ool aek Jl. ~d. ec»tsaid
day and k~pt ap~a iart ill Fiv~ (b) Oclock p. M. th~r.~as
wh~n th~ polls shall b• clos~d.
I, R. F. St~art Cl~rk or th~ City at Arroyo Grands
h~r~by v~rtii~r that th~ for~going R~do2utiorl wa~e duly
r~ad a~d adopt~d at a r~gular s~ssion of th• City ~Coua~oi~~.
o! th• Qitp oi Arroqo Grand~, et a regular m~stiag th~r~!
h~ld aan th• ?th, day o! ~arah, 1934.bq th~ folle~i?~rg ve~t+s,,
Aq~s, Co~mcilm~n xoe~rs,, Pool~„ Gibso~, Phillips and
Ro~~, Aon•
Abs~nt " Aon•
~ont inusd,
Th~ City Cltrk was instructsd to consult Mr. Earhart
of Piemo P~aeh, with a vi~~v af having our Str~st lig~itm
cut ,dowm~. .
No further bueinsas app~aring and on ~~otion th• ~
m~~ting was ad~ourn~d. ~
y •r
Attset, ~r~i?~p~u ~'~.+x~ . Mayor. , .
' Arroyo Grand~, C~lifornia,
l~arch 2I~t, 1934
^ity Cm~cil m~t in regular s~esion With Mayor~
9D~bb ~!oore pr~siding. .
On roll c~ll, Councilmen Moor~, Poale, Phillips
and Ariseo, repart~d pr~s~nt, Couneilman Gibson,. absm~.~
~ tlhapprov~d minut~s r~ad and approvsd~ as r~ad.
Ri1Te again~t th• Gtn~ral fund in th~~ sum of
~134.94, and th• water fun~d ia th• ~um of ~18.OOn
th• billa !q~r~ alleovsd and ord~r~d paid. ,
On ~totion duly ~~eond~d and carri~d, it was th•
ordir of th• ^ity Counailthat w~ r~due• th~ Strs~t
lig,hts to th~ •xten:t of 50°~ or mor~, and th~ I~!ayor
appoint~d L. A. Arisco and W. C. Pool• a oomnrittts
to ts~ks Qart of the matt~r.
Vo further busin~as appearing and on h'otion th~
me~t in g was ad j ournsd.
y ~ ~r .
~ Atti~t,~'U7.~r~i ~~-ura~ayor.