Minutes 1934-03-21 : Cont inusd, Th• City Clerk was instruct~d to consult Mr. Earhart of Piemo B~aah, with a vi~~v of having our Str~~t lig~t~ cut ~dowm. . No further buein~se app~aring and on l~"ot3on th• ms~t ing was ad ~ ourn~d. . p sr Att~et, ~~i?~i v~-ar~ . Mayor. . . ~~00"66 ~ Arroyo rrand~, California, l~areh 2lst , 1934 ^ity C~uncil mst in regular stssion With I~ayor~ ~~bb ~!oor• Pr~siding. , On roll call, Councilmen Moor~, Pools, Phillips and Priseo, r~part~d pr~s~nt, Counailman Gibson,. abs~n~. ~ Unapproved minut~s r~ad and approv~d' as r~ad. Ri1T+s againot th• G~ntral lund in th~~ sum of «i-u,~~u~ ~134.94, r~nd th• wat~r fund in th• ~um of ~18.OOn ths bills a~r~ all~ovsd and ord~r~d paid. , On 2~otion duly •~eond~d and carri~d, it Was th• . ordsr of th• ^ity Counailthat pn rtdue• th~ 3tr~st ligk~ts to th• •xtemt of 50°~ or mor~, arrd th~ lt~ayor appoint~d L. A. Arisco and W. C. Pool• a aommmitt~s to tak• oart of the matt~r. yo further bu~in~~s appsaring and on ~"otion th• ~r~~t 3u g was ad j ourned. , y ~ •r . Att~~t,~'U7.~r~i ayor.