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Minutes 1934-04-04
~ H ~ ~ ~rsoyQ dsand~, Qalitoraia, 4pri1 4th,. .1~4. QitY Qoua?oil m~t ia r~a~lar •~~~io~a with lta~?es J. w. ltoors prs~idia,~. 0~ roll oall t~aanaila~n ][oars, Pool~,~ Oibros,, Pbillips apd As~roe repost~d ps~~as~,, llos~~ absast. t'k~spps~o~?rd mim~t~~ r_~~d aad apprond ~r res~. Rill• s~aia~t t!~• ,.~a~ral tvad !a th~ eaov~t o~i ~b4~.70 sad th~ wst~s fua~d in ~vs ,ot ~`~78.~6, th~ bill~ w~r~ aile~?~d aad ord~rt~ paid. Ql~sl~ waui irutsuot~d to haw tha Hsslth Oiilo~s . to ,~?isit th~ 8h4w beeie , on ths r~oo~a~datie~ ot Yrs. lhyti~ ffi~sw. . Qi~ Ql~rl~ reaei~~d an au~w~r ~o a i~tt~r wri~~~a u Yr. E~1~ oa ltarah 14th,, in rrh 1oD • ltr. t~13?~ r~tss~ a oeatsacti th• Doiipany har witb th~ Ci~~, ti1~at do~~ s0~t , ~upiss istt ill ~uaust, 1954. Cloanoiitea~ 0. p~la~ a~ d oa~eai~t~• Qa li~~s. • pr~~aZ ~d a i~tt ~r trau xr. 1C~ 317 s P=~ta~at is~~ ~hsw' pre~e~al~, th• Citr aq ado~pt to r~d~ tD• oort 8ts•a~ is~ht~. Th• el•r1c wa~ iA.tr~ot~r! to wri~. l~r. lt~l~• to ~ither sN th• Cpnsittsr?,, or Qall at tl~ a~acti s~tim~.. T!?~ Qe~rtioa ot ~rr~r rod• aad tD~ tas psobl~u. ~tssi di~o~di ~ , . xo lhst~ss buria~~~ sp~~sria~ tb• ~a~tio~ waf a~t~onra~cl. • . " Edas lf'. 8obl?13~~4~[~, ~ ~ ~t~ att , G~i~~;~..,,,~,e~-~'~ lta~ol. . ~ . . . .