Minutes 1934-04-16
. 57
Arro~a Qrs~s, California.
April 16tb, 198~.
~ Tns C1tY Co~cil met aooordind to lsw, to~ caa~rass ~
the electioa returns ot the g~asral ,e~e.ation hald aa~
the 9th, daWr oi April, 1934. , with J. Yoare, Y~Yor
Oa roli call OoLnoilanen Yoore, Poole, t#ibsan a~
Phiilips rsportsd prssent, Co.vnoilman Ari~co,, at~reut~..
Atter a oanvae o! ths eleotioa r~#urrne the ClsrY read
th~~ tollowing Resolution.
Ig T~il~ COt11tCIL OP' T1dE CITT 0~' ARROTO GRAU't7~,
R~E80LT~T I0~ D~CbAA II~Gi R88~1I~? 0~' ELICQT 201~.
TSER~xS, s gen~rai Yunieipal el~ation was hsid in the City ot
Arra~ro arande, c~ ,lton~ds~ ths 9th, dar oi April,, 1934,
as requirsd br la~i.
AHD ~EAE~, it appoars that notios of ~aid sieotioa was 61~en,
thst ~otins prsoinots wers psoperly established, that eleotion
o~iic~ss were appointed and elsotiou snppliss furnishsd, and tbat
in s~l respeots ~aid ~lsotion was held snd oonduated,, a~d the vertes
oast ~hsr~at ` reoei~rsd sAd oanvassed, and the returra~ thersot made
aad deolared in tims forn and manasr as r~quired by'lsw.
AHD 11ldl~RP~~, the Counoii- of ~b• City od lrro~o tirands, met st
ths Cou~o11 chember thersoi on Konda~ ths 18t~, ds~ ot April, 195~
to caanrs~• ths re~urns oi said sleotion„ end imetall the rnswly
eleotsd offiair~, aad ha~ias csave~ssed said rstmra~,, ths CourtQil
ti~ade tnat th~ nuu~bsr of ~otse oast, the name~ o! ths per~ons ~rot~d
far. a~! other mattera requir.d by law„ to be as hersiaatt?er ~tated,
li~ THZRE~'0~ BE IT RL80Lq'1~D, aa to,llows; That ssid `.nrrdl
Yunioipal eisotioa was held aad ooadnated in the Citr b~ Arroyo
f3ra~pds on Yqaday ths 9th dar oi April, 1954, in tita~ iorm aad
maaner as rsquirad by law; That thsre wa• one ~otius pr~oimot
sstablish~ far tbs purpose oi holdins eaid sieotioa, oonsistin~
of a oansotidatia~ ot tbs resular sl~otioa precinats establial~ed
!or hoidia~ 6ensral Btats and Covaaty •i~otions, as loila~?s;
(~onaolidatsd ooting precinot A,) oamprisiu6 State and
County pr~oiaote number aoe nad twa, snd ths ~otiaa piaos thsrevt
wae Lhe Cit~ hall.
That the ~rhols nu~aber o! ~otss oast in eaid City was 167,
that tgs aame• ot the psrsoae voted for, the oilices !or whioh
they wsrs votsd, ths numbsr oi ~otea 61ven im eaoh prsoi~mo~t to
eaah ot ssid persous, together with ths whols nnmber o~ votee
whioh th~~ reosived in ths entire City, ars ae follon~s;
I~ames o! peraoas voted tor, OfS3os ~oted far, Total ~otie
J. 3. f31b~o~r, Cotmoilmau M~~~~~rM~ g~
J. X. Y~are, - 186
Ra2ph Aen~tt , • 66
Earl A. 8m ith » __w.~----- 3
F. E. Aennstt, ~ 1
RS60LY~ T~iERYF'GRZ, that at ~aid 6sirsral Itunioipal ~lsottc~
J. 8. Qibson wae slsoted Oounoilman oi ~hs Qitr ot lrroyo aranc~t •
for the lnil term ot tour rears. •
Aieo that, J. A. Yoors was slectad Covaoilmaa o? tne City
oi Arro~ro (3raade, fQr ths full term of four yearr.
Elsotiou re~nrn~ oo~tittub. ~a
Tbs Qi~~ C1erk ~haii ~ater o~ th• r~oosds ot t~1~ Cit ~o~u~il
a•tstw~t of th~ r~~rolt oi th~ •ltotion ~ho!~ins tl t?lu~
~ol• nn~b~r oi ~r~ots~ ~n ia ~sid ait~ th~ ~m~~ o~ tl~~
pss~qo• rot~d fo~, th~ oliio~ !or ~rb~oi ~soh p~r,roa? ~ot~d
tos, (4~ t~~r a~rb~r oY rrot~~ ~'i~nr at ~aoh ps~o3aot to ~tol~ ot
rtioh yer~~~, 6 th• ambss of irote~ 3u •ai+d City to ,~a~t ot
~aid p~rara~, ~6~ t?bs t~rm tor +r~iah tl~~~ wes~ ~l~oted.
Th~ Oit~ Olerlc ~hair i~ewadiatslr mat• av~ ~ad d~ii~rs to ~soL
o! ~siA p~r~+oo~ ~leet~d, a certilioateot ~l~otian, •i~
a~d dn1~ s~the~tioatHl; 8e rhsll al~ar lepo~~ t~• Qoos~lt~
oatl~ ot otiio~ emd ha~s tba~ su~~orib~ t~~r~er, !~~ra tltn
t~ iadt~~d .3nto tk• r~rpeotir?r vtito~~ to ~rhiol~ tbaT
wes~ ~l~eti~d.
~h• v~M~~~i~aM ~ity Ci~rk ot tg~ ~ity o! ~,rro~re Ora~tda,
do~ h~r~by s~ity t~t th• t~rssoias Ri~el~tiaa *a~ dv~Y ~mad
lssall~ larRx~edut»Q amd sdv~+t~d bT ZAe Qotnoil ot tb~ t~it~ ot
~rroyo dr~?dit at r~ ulsr ~ t in~ hsid a~ th~ i6th, da~r: - et
ipril, 19lf~, by ~tb~ l01~m~?in~ ~rot~. ~ .
~y~~, Com~aailsan Yoore, Pool~, dibsaa sad Pl~111ips,
~i~~, CamOilaaen, Uaae,
Ab~rmnt, Qots~oi~?aa Hlri~oo.
Tn t~~tiapsy wbarsars i han .h~r~nnta •st lum~d ~ . : , ~
aad a~tis~d ~ ofiioia~ ~aai o! •aid Qi~, t#~!,• 38~h,,: ~
Ot April 19~. _
. ~
~+r tgere ws~ ao lurther b~us3a~sa~ to oo~ beforr tl~ .
~im~~ a~d e~n xotiao~ th~ ~nsst~` dM• aow ~d~o~
_ .t
9,~~0 T. s
~tt ~~t 4~~.t~..~~ .
~ , . . .