Minutes 1934-04-18 59 Arroyo Grande, ~litornia, April 19th, 19g~. City Cow~cil met in regular seesion with Ya~or A. Yoo•rs presidis~. On roil oall Covmoilmea Yooss, Poole, Sibsoa, ` ead Ph iilip~a reported prese~at, Bri~co, absea~l. ~napprovmd minutes read and approved as reac~'. , Yr. ~elly ot the ltudland Co~mties Publio Ssrvios Corporation oams befors ths ~om~oil with ee~br.sl dii~srsut propositioae tor rsducing the cost o! thm Straet. li~ts. The Counoil tooY tho mntter t~des adoiseme~nt~. Hr. 8orner oame bsfore tbe Couacil and asked to hnve some changes in ths Ordinan~ce mads be~ozs he ` accepta the position of povad Yaster. The Clerk waa iaetsucted to talcs tbe matter up with the Attorne~. A~ thsre wae no iurther busineee to oane bsfore ' the Couuoil aad on Yot ion the mes~ in6 was ournee~« . . ' Cer. The City ~lerk i~m~?ediatsl~ oall~d tbe Cotmail to Qrdsr ud asked ior l~fominatioo~s tor temporary Chais~aam, .~.1cr. Yooss we~e piaced in l~ominat ion, aad on YQtiaa'or~ Po~ls, aad secorided by P~ilii~a,. the 80~. ~as olosed, sad ldt. ~o~s~ waa tara~dmo~slT eleoted Yayor !ox tbe snauing ter~l. , ltr. Yoare calied the Counoii to order, aad on roll oall, Cova~oilmen Yoo~e, Pobl~,; Hibs~ and Pliillips reported preeent, Brisoo ab~en~. . , M~. Yoore rsported that th• ~tigb 8choo~l waat~d a four inoh lin8 instalTed on Eaet pranch 8t~set, ae thsT didtnt have prsss~re saongb to sprimlcle th~ athletio field. Qarious plane were propoeed lo~r the job, and it wae deaided that mors data e~hor~ld be ` ~ had iri tbe matte~'. Ao ftirther bueinees appearia~ the meeting was ad ~ ourxls~. ' y sr . Attert„/~'~T.~-~ `ttiowr,, Itapo~. '