Minutes 1934-06-06 '
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' ~ ~'rrogc~ Grsnde, Calitoraia
Juae 6th, ~9~4:
CitY Couaoil met in regular sss~iar~ witb ltayos
J. X. Yocrs prssiding.
On roll call, Co~usoilmmn Yoors, Poole,
. Qib~oa, Phillipe aad Rrisoo, reporting pr~seat'.
Unapprov+sd a~inutes ree?d and approved as sead.
Aills. against the Qeaeral lumd 3~a th~ •um~ ot
~~1~.49 aad th• 1later tund i,n the ~ve oi ~b88.80
we r~ al ~ewed end o~de r~d p~e~id.
Oa Itation it wns ordsred to ha~~ a faletl so~a~
e~tsbli~h~d strai6ht aorosa ths 3treet in troat
ot tb• Po~t Ofiio#.
Cit~ Clerk was instructed to see ltr. Pru~s•
aad instrtuat h3m that ths Cova0~1 would b•
unabl• ~o attand t~he 1~'iestd.
lfa~ furt2~~r b~inss. appeat3trg end oa~ xv~t~ .
. tb• a~eting wa~ sd~o~aee~. .
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