Minutes 1934-06-20 63 Arroyo Grande, Califo~rnia, Juae SOth, 1984. City Counc~il met in re gular s~ession with Mayor, J. W. Hoore preeiding. On rcll call, Caunailmen Yoore, ~oale, albson, and Phillips reported predent, Coua~oilman Biieco, absent ~ IInapproved minutee rsad nnd approved as read. ' , Coaamunioatioits were read and placed on iile. A~plicdtion for water from The 8eourity Firet ~Pationdl Paidc of 3an Luia Obispo, wae reoeiged, and on ~otion tt wde the o~rder of the Council that t~he Rank would have to ll~rnish all the im~- tallation, inoluding piP4 meters, eto: and iY~tlt~alfc~inttst*l~*lt~sl7t~rut~tt~tsxl(zsa~tt'~~~;a the Clerk wae instructed to write l~r. nefoset to~ that effinet'. The Chdirman of the Finanoe Camm, together with the Chairman of the Btreet Coammitt~e, mest ths Chist of Polios aad incstruat him as to 8tree~ msrki~gs , arnd th~ oa~l'sot ioae oi th• Liosn~• tau~. On l[ot iou it w~e ordered that Mr. Ewing be . furniahed iree uee o~ the Fiovee at the ~ater pl~t aieo lres wstes~. pm Yotion<_it-~a Jordered that the Clerk and Treasurer bs Y~e ineured, City Clerk imstruated to see Sugervisor Porter ta get his iafluence ia the matter oi having Leedham Lane deeded over to the City ror Street purposeei. Ao turtber bw3asss appedriug e~d on be~tion the meeting was ad~ouraed to July Srd, at 8 Ool ook ~.1~. y erk , Attm~t ayot. ~