Minutes 1934-07-18 ~5 J~rro~ct~r Grs~ , Cal ifara~a, July 18 th,. 1984'. Citp Co~uao~l. met in ra uldr e~sas~icn with,, . ~ 'Ma4Yo~r J. 9~. Ma~mqr~i presidim.~.• . Otr rvlx.: oall, Counail~aen ~oore, Poarle, Qibeoa, and PhilTips+~reported preeent, Arisco al~sent~. Unapproved minuter re~eFd and approved ae rea~.. Cvmmuuicatioa irom the Investars 8yndioate read slsor SFecial Auditoss report read „ the oc~mv~icatiame were plsosd on file~. A R~solution ot the City Clu~aail o! tho City oi l~rrayo~ Girande„ makiad dsmand on the Aan~ o~ ~eric~,. far esrtain amav~te o~ intereet due ths City,> the Reaolution was paeesd by the foal~o+rimg 4o~te, l~yes„ ~oc~re, ~f~Ts,, Gibso~ a~nd Phii~igs, ~@ee, IP~~O~rs, - - At~emr , Ar is ocl~ On ~tet io~x it wae o~dered that ths Cflty Clerk have twa wseka vaeatio~, ar~ that Nrs. Bch~ll~ings 1fis emps~qed as deputy ~or the two we~ke~. The Clerk was imstrwcted to write Olohas that .she wae ordESSd by the Coumail tQ have ths old l.~ui~ding t~aak of the Concrete 1~vilding air Bridge gtre~t rsmarv~d. N~o lurthe3 ~ue3aess appedriag ead on Yatioa~ .th • ms st in~g w~e s~d ~~ia~red~. y erk. 1~tt set ,,W~ ~E, Ydy4t~. ~