Minutes 1934-08-01 ~~V` ; ~ H ~ ~ ~ Xrroyo arande,, Ca~litasn3a, ' August l~t, 1984. City Counoil met ia regulas s~ee ioa with ~ayor J. uoore prssiding. . , „ ~ Oa ro~11 aail, Couuoilmea itoar~, P~ole, and Ph i~~.ip rsport~d preseat, Cota~oilmsa Gibson and erirco, '~rbs~a~.. , , r tl~applto~red m3nut~s redd and appre~~?sd as rsa~. , ` . Itr. Johason c~ma bstor~ the ~ouncil with a proposition to l~ase th• adtr l~at~r w~ll on Lsad~uaeq Len~, ic?t uo• oa ths 1~aeado Orohard• oar th• Jonss Traot. ' . 4a ltotion duly s~oonded and oarried it wa• ordsr~d th~t tt~s Cou~oil l~aa• to~ ~[r. Johnsoa th0 -sa~id`+~~11 !or a.p~riod ~ot ten yesrs, at a monthly r~n~al~ erf ~~:;~Q, th• Qity to r~tain t~• rigb.t to tak~ oPer t3~~~ w+~ll ~.st ~ay t3m~ i»cs~it? d~maud~d the us~ ot ~sam~, and~if~ City Cisrr .ta so iaform D~r. Jo~nso~. .~4 ~ , , . Co~tauuriicnt ians r~ad and piao~d oa til~i+ - ~r~d Yarsalsk ~de appliaation om baha~t `at't~~ Os~harlio C~urob far p~rmiiaion .to build thr~e •t,eps; ~ots~;:~+~~~ Lb• 8trs~t, The ~te?yor rug Sa~tsd t3~e~t it wou2d ~s~~'l~t~r i! ths Churoh psople oculd in~er~rt th• 3up~rtlrar in having th• whol• propsrty cnt dcnrn to the pso~~*:t~ lins ua3ng 11s1ldr~, or soffie other way to finenv~ - s~ni~~. r; ' It wss brought to th• attsat ion ot ths Conn~~1--t3~ - th• ahanlvsl bos• ot th~ tir~ dspartmeat was praeticsily wotn ot~t, and it was t2~• ordsr of the Co~Qil t~st 300 fest o! hose b• purohaead forr the lir~ d~~a~~. ~ ~A t?e~munioat ion wns rsceiv~d aiaQ r~~d tre~a th~ ~an~ag~r at- t~:~ Aa~ ot 1?msrioa, to th~ stt~ot that that ~,a~titntioa ~ ~ r~fur~c! to pay th~ cla3a it th+e Ci~p ior ia~~r~st du~s th~ City on their daity balano~~t, on `som~ ~:tha°~ th~ Cit~ ~aQ no~ mad~ appliaatioa for •aa~. Oa Yot ion ot P2~ 3111pe snd esoond~d br Poois, it ~rss tb• ord~r o! th~ Council that the Yayor, ~ak~ u~ th~ ~sttas of th~ 3nttr~~t ~rith aa ~ttoraq, wit~t a~itw of oa~Mm3iag •uit agsiast ths Aaak ~or ths amou~t oi iat~rnt d~. Rili~ asainst th• t~rnsral fumd in th~ s~e ot ~463.19 and tt?~ ~a~ar ttimd fa tb• •u~n ot ~686.6p, ~ r~ad snd ord~rN! pai~. ~ 1Po iurtIIsr bu~in~ss e~ppssr3a~ and ~~tot3~oa th• mNting was ad~oura~d~. ~ ~ ~Y Att~~t,~'~~S IEaTo~.