Minutes 1934-09-05 68$ , . y CrJ A'rroqo t3ra~md~, Calil~,raia, ~ g~ptemb~r 6th, 1984. ~ ~ . C~t~ t3ounoil mst iu .r~gt~lar rfis~io~n with ~yoz J. T. ltoor~, pr~~idiag. QA zQll call Councilm~nMoarre, Poc~~, t~ib~on, sad ~ , Pbil~fpat s~ported pretea~, Rrisoo at~set~t. , . thiapprov~d minu~es r~ad aad appsavsd as rsad. , , Itr. ~ar~al~k oaxcs b~lor• ths Covncil tor linnl " ap~rem~to! th~ Churoh pro~eot, arnd it was tb~ orct~r crt tb~ Gouncil that a permit b• grart~d tv~ th• Oat~aiia . r an~! l~ethodi~t ohuroher, to r~movs th• prassr~t real2s,, o= any oth~r ob~truotiany to th~ pra~~rtr lint. ~ . a ~vot• oi ?b~ tallaring A~solutic~ of tha~aks b~ t~a~d~r~d ~h• ~ ~~`~~k C iti~ oifio ials ot 8anta Aarbara, i'or oourt~ ~ i~ s~ iv~d at th• Tsi-County m~~et. RZBt~i4~Tf, bp ths Covzcil of ths City o! 1=royo Arsn~~, that w~ sxtsnd tp th~ Y~or and othsr o~ticialr ~t Sa~a y Rasbara, a vot• ot tbaa~~ tor th• oourt~ous ~aanmrtr ia irliioh th~ otlioial• ~md th~ir tsn~ilie• ot tht City o~i ~~ra~ Ae~t~~ w~r~ ~ntssta3n~Q during ths Tri-Cou~ty m~~ o~' th• Braaoh e~rt th• MLsague o! Cdlilornia itvnioipalitfssj aad t3~~']r'i~~ta parad~" t2~a~ te~1T~a?ed.. 1 , _ 8ar iurth~r bv~in,~s~ app~aring and on uotioa th• ~+M#~ - wa~ ad~ovrn~d to 11~d: 8~px 1B, at ~ Oo2ov P•1t. _~~k~nl ~ ~N~~~~~~~'_~y~~~ ~ ~~IM~rr ~ ~ia . /~~Y~+~~ ~ I! 1?~datsday B~pt~mb~r 18th, 1854. . Th• CitiT Qotmoil m~t pureuaat to a~d~our~a~t, with, Ma~or J. 1~. Yoor~ prtridi~g. ` . . On RQll call,. Co~cilm~n~ ~toor~, Poo~1~, Q~ib,~oa, Fhilli~r and Rri~oo, rrported.pr~s~nt, l~aat abs~lrrt. - '~t Oo~oil imm+rdi-a~ely we~E i~to s~~s~taa- aa a B~a~rd of Equaliza~t3ab, and atter a dircuseioa ~ud in~peotioa? of tb~ Ass~ssm~nt Qoll, ~d as thar~ w~r~ ao oo~eplsiat~ . li1M~ Lh• Rc~ard proo~~drd to tiz tb~ taz ra~~ ies firo~~~ y~ar ot 1984, ~ 0~ l[otion oi Ciibsan s~oondsd b~ Phillip~,, th~ ~s~c rat~ war ~i~c~d a~ lolivws: ~ ~ A~a~ral f~,md 90 o~ats on the 100. of va~et~~ioa~ A+oad ~ind, .70 a~nts cad` th~ ~100. of valu~tion, makiag a total teu~ rate o! ~1.80, c~ th~ ~1~4. of 9~ ase~ss~d valuati~n. No fur~hsr bnsinee~ app~ar3ag and oa ~totiott b th• maet ing wa~ ad~ournsd. : ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ Att~st.~ ' ~70=. . . . ! . . ~