Minutes 1934-09-19 6~ Arroyo Grand~~ Caltiornia, 3 ep~t smb er 19, 1934".. City Cowmoil m~t in regular ~e~~ian with ~tayor, J. ~P. Woors pre~aidiag. ~ ~ On Roll cali Councilmsm Moore, Poole, GSibson and PhilTipe~ reported preae~nt, Cowrcilman Arisoo, ab~ent. • Unapproned mi.rrut es rea~d and carrect ed ae tol~ e~?a; ao~mmenoing at the words endin~ "'to remove the pr~~ent wall~" or any other obstruatiou tQ a lins agreed upon by Fred Mar~alek and the Pastor of the Catholic Churoh, . ~and J. 8. Gibson of the Methodist ol~urah. > Commv~ioatiorrs lrom L. 0. ~Pielar, and otherq read aad placed on tils, Ths Clerl~ was irtatructsd to write Mr. Hast inge, and explain the ~underetsnding th~ meml~ere of the Counoil h~.d with Mr. Wislsr, and aek Mr. Hastings to~ scale do~n • h ia b 311 for ~37!. 50 A pmtition irom Ada Rirkpatrick and others askiag the Co~cil tar hnve Ls Point 3t~e~t oiled, . Alro an appliaat ion trom A. W. (3riz~le, tQ have part of Short and Poole 3trsats~oiled, and the said Nr. Qrizzls ~?ould donate a coupl• of barrele of oil. It wa,e ths order o! th• Covncil that these 8tr~e~te wauld be take~n cara oi at' th• beginz~~ing o! ths new pear,, psovided taxee come in eufliciently strong tnough to fiaance ths pro~eot~~ In regard to the canplaint of Mre Leoria ~toN~il, that the water bill for tb~ I~o~mth oi Jurle for ~7.36 wss no fa~It ot here, ae she did-nt know there was a br~aek in th~ pipe, it was ths order of the Cowxoil that the Clerk split th~ biir aad~ a~tat~g~ ~[rs. 1toNeil one hale ~the amount~. No~ further ~vsinse~ appearimg and on Motion th+a mee~ting was ~d~v~urnec~. GL~ Y er • A~tt~at,~ ayor. . ' .