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Minutes 1934-10-03
~d~ . y ~ _ - ~ _ L'7" . " Arroqo Grsnd~, Calii~raia, ~ ~~tab~r Srd, 1984 City Cbt~nail m~t in r~gvlar n~sion witbll~c W. C. Pool~ aot 3ag I~ayor prtriding. , . 0~ ro~il Qall .CQ~cila~n ,Poc~rl~, Gtib~on, and PhilTipns . ~~po ~d pr~ssnt , Mayor . J. A. uoor• and L". ~f. A~is~r~a? Ab~ . 1~approT~d min~~s r~ad and approvad as r~a~. ~~._Ca~u~icatia~s iroat L. 0• Wislsr, and oth~rs ~r• ri?~d a~rd plao~d aci lil~. . Th• Cl~rk wa~s inst;uct~d te writ• ~t~~ ~i~l~r, tha~ it it wa~ tl~• uad~r~ta~+~ig .of th~ Cotmoil that Yr. ~isl~r was to •~t mw boo~e-k~ ry~t~mn, 3a oa~otfom with th• sudit =+~f th~ bovks,. i~o~r~l~ 4t~, artd th~ Goro~oil ~sp~ot~d h~ to fuliil tbat ar.bligatior~. Ai~,l,~ again~t 'th• a~a~ral lumd .3a tb s~n of'~ 6di.93 tb~ t?at~r d~parta~Yrt ia th• sua~ ot ~aad.97, wss r~~ and om Yation was alr~d aad era~s~d paid. . , Th• on~r y~rar aonLrac~ with th• Ligi~t Comp~ay wa~ ~a~rd ou ltvt~on,th• 1~a?yos aud Cl~rk we~s iastruct~d ta~ fi~u sam~. . . . ,Tb• Cl~rk r~erd th• tar111vwing tim~=?oial •tat~t, 1~XTER DFPARTItE21T, ~ Ral cash 8~pt 1st„ ~16g ~ R~o~ipts !or wat~r, Tc~tal oash,, , ~ '~ARRA~CB D]~111lF, ]~os b86 to 6r?4,--.._.~._.~-. . ~30.~97 Pal ca~h ia wat~r fvud, . # Q~'~;l4AL 1rt1U1~, ~ ~1 carh 9spt lst, -________._..___..~~66$. S~l ~im R ~o~ipt . Warran.t~r drs~,. ~10 1~35 to 1349 - b0~1.8a A~al oash in c3~m~ra . Polio• Judg~ r~ports qn• tin~ o~l}~ot~d, ~~4.t~~ l~cr ivrt~~r bt»ins~s= app~ari~?g sad on motioir_ ~h• ' m~ rt i~?~ wa~ ad ~ our~c~ ~d. . Y At ~ ~st s Yayos~. ~ °