Minutes 1934-10-17 1 ~ I ~ Arroy~ Grand~, Caliiornia~, . Ooto~b~r 17th, 1934. Citq Counail mst in r~gular e~seion with liaqor J. W. ~door• presiding. On roll aall, Counciim~n 1toQr~„ Poo1~, Gibeon, Phillips and Brisao, r~port~d pr~sent, none abssnt. Thnapprav~d minutes r~ad dnd a~pprovsd ae_rse~. . ' Commuonioations read and placed on til~. Councilman $risoo mad~ a r~port on th• oper~tione at w~st Aranoh Street`. and tb~ Clerk was instruated to prepare an agre~m~nt tor th• two ehuretiae, ofiicisls to aign. permitti~g th~ City to r~mc~ve dirt end th~ ~xisting conc.ret• wall, to b~ rsplacsd by a oonor~t• ' or s~ons wall'. A1o lurthsr bus~*ss app~aring and on Motion th• ms~ting waa ad~ourn• y sr o Att~~t, G.~~;~Mayo~'. ~