Minutes 1934-11-07
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Arroyo Granir, ~alitormia,
. ; . l~od~~btr 7th,, 1984.
Ci~q Council m~t in r~gular s~rs ioa witb ~ayor
J. W. ~[oQr~,, prrs ~ id irrg.
4n roll ~all, Goumqilm~n Yoer~, Poc~1~, f3ib~on arnd Pbillips
r~port~d pr~r~nt, L. A. Rrisoo; ab~~nt. '
,IInapproT~d mir~utii r~ad and approv~d as r~ad.
Cha~. Th~land~ r addr~ss~d th• Counoi~, and ooffip~sia~e! that
his Moth~r-ln-l~w wa~ aasr~syd toc~ high, and ait~r a oo~ a,risan
of a~ss~~r~m~nts, th~ b31T iA qu~st ion wa~ r~duio~d trom ~~4~~.
to ~~cx ~4bCi. _
Cq~m~iaation irom th~ City ot ~?o~rgaa H,il~, arnd ~ttorm~y
L.ouis J. ~ardq, 3n r~gard to thi Qo1T~ot~ion ot tb• i~t~r~st dus
th• City, trom daily oa~rh balanc~r.
.~AilT~ agaimrt th~ r~n~ral fimd in th~ •tan pf ~650.6~, aad
th~l~~.at~r tua~d in tM~ •uan of ~330. T3 w~t• r~ad by th~ Cl~rk
and pas~~d aAd o=d~r~d pai~. ~
N'o turth~r buria~~~ ap~~aring and oa ~totion: tb~.m~~r~ting
wa• ad~ourn~d.
, ~2~
p ~7~ . .
Att ~~t , ~~~r:.1G~!~~ `g .~ayor,,