Minutes 1934-12-05
1 _ ~
Arroqa~ Grand~, Califormia, Z`~"
D~o~mbtr Sth,,, 19a4.
City Couaoil m~t in r~gular ~~~rio,n with
L. A. Rrisoo ao~ing ~tay~r pr~ridiag.
, , ,
On rQ1I Qall, Courroilm~n Pocrl~, Qibron, Phfliips
and Arisoo, r~porttd pr~s~nt, lloor• ab~t~nt.
. .
tJnapprov~d minut~~ r~ad arid approwd aa r~ul. {
Application ot A. Martin~s for Pooi roo~ Lio~nr~,
oa Motion th~ applioation was d~ni~d.
On ~o~iQn duly s~cond~d and oarri~d, it was
. . crrd~rsd to ~ut~nd th• ~iat• tor papm~nt ot lirst
in~tallm~nt of ta~c~s, tv~ April 80'th,, 1934.
, t~n Motion it was ord~r~d that 1~r. Ewing hrn
th~ Wat~r 3up~riatsnd~nt• hous• paint~d.
Pi1Ts againat th• (3~n~ral limd in th• su~n of
~796.4Q, and th~ Wat~r iwid in th• run ot' ~84~5. R5
wa~ r~ad bp th~ ,Cl~rk and on Motion was all~nd
. and ord~r~d paid.
No furth~r busin~ss~ app~ari,ng arid on motion
tbs m~~t ing wa s ad~ ourn«i.
y ~z
Att~~t, :~~syor.