Minutes 1935-01-02 _ 7~
Arroyo~Grand~, Qalifornia,
Js~x~ary a, 1986.
City Coun~il tt: •t in r~gular •~ss-ion witY~
Mayor J. Moor• pr~fiding.
On roll call,. Coimoilm~n~ Moor~, P.ool.t, Gibson
and Phi113p• rsport~d pr~synt , Ari~co absmt.
. Llnapprov~d minut~~ r~ard and approv~d as r~a~.
, Th• City Cl~rk was instruatsd to comm~nas th~
aQlt~etion of th~ Aranoh wat~r bill~.
. , ,
~ Rills aga3nst th• G~n~ral fiurd ~?as r~ad by th• '
Cl~rk in th• ~um oP !~714.~6, and th~ ~^at~r fund
in th• ~um of ~319.68, th~ bill~ e~r• a114v~d and
, - ord~=rtd paid.
^ity ^,lerk instruat~d to writ• E. C. Culbard
informing him M~~ars Rrisco and Phillipa do not
iYtt~nd to tak• ov~r ths Invsstor~ 3yndiaat• Polioy•
and urg~ ~!r. ,^,ulbard to •ff~ct an ~arly •~ttl~m~nt
oi th• ma.tt~r.
Na furthsr busi n~ss appsaring and on .~otion
th• m~~ting was ad~ourn~d.
_ ~
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1~ t t t~t~ ,~,d~ ~tay or.