Minutes 1934-12-19
7~ '
Arroyo Qr~t, Qali~orn3a,
• II~o~mb~r 19th,, ~934
City Civacil m~t in rsgular •~ir~icrtr with
l~ayor J. W. Yoor• prtsid3srg. .
On soll cali, Couuc3lm~m ltocrr~, Pooi~„ t33b,~cru
.~nd Phillip• r~port~d prf~~nt, Ariscao ab~~u~.
TJnapprov~d minutsr r~ad ant! appro~~d a~ r~ad.
ur~. ~!allcrry app~ar~d b~ior~th~ Counofl urd
mad• applieation to ha~~ h~r valuation of t~~ ~
- itapro~~m~nts r~duo~ci, ar~c! on ~xaminatioa` ot th~
a~s~~sm~nt roll,. and a,comparisbn of talws it
wis d~aid~d tbat tb• G1~rk may r~ducs tha tu~e~
o! ~tr~ Mallory, to th~ sua• a~ laRt q~ar.
I~~ssrs Dohi and Cobara, app~ar~d b~tor~ th•
Council, a~~ing for aa ia~~~tiga~tioa oi t~~
L~~dham Lariy, and ~ugg~st~d ths Counoil us• th~ir
b~~t ~nd~avor, to haT~ sam~ w3dan~d. 3~r. Dohi
wa• inrtruot~d tQ s~f ~tr. pri~oo, a• h~ wa~ haadlia~
that probl~.
F. ti. Whit • was grant ~d ir~s wat ~r u~t ill
furth~r notio~, but only alle~?~d minimum amotmt.
t~o furth~r bur in~~t~ app~aring and on b~ot ion
th• m~~ting wav ad~ourn~d.
y •r .
Adt~~t,,~~~ I'~~r~i Iiaqor.