Minutes 1935-02-06 I Q. y t~ 2~ a' Arroyo Graad~, Callfornia, F~bruary 6th, 1g35t,. ~ , Citq Couneil m~t in r~gular ~~~sio~ wit~ J. w. Moa~r~ pr~Fiding. Ori ro~l call ~11 m~mb~r~ oP thi Cbunttil r~port~d prst~nt. ' th~appro~~d m3nut~~ r~ad ar~d appror~d as r~a~. ` Ci~rk i~~truct~d to writ~ t~i~ H~alth offivs rtating tb• truok would b~ a'ailabl• ~o ~?aui off any rubt~i+~h that would b• sarap~d t~g~~~~r on any Str~~t or ~ell~~i. Appliaation wss mad• by Fort~r a~d Kltiil~rr Co, tc •r~et two bill boards on Traftio. oa ~1ot i on ~sam• was r~ ~ ~ct ~d. On 2~otion it was ordrr~d that Citq Tr~a~rs~r ti• all ~Mir~d os1• o~r crsnt oa bank dspoaiti~, sam~ to b~ ~11 ea?id at t im~ banic mak~~ r~port an intsr~at ^allcn?~d on daily Qa~h rsa~ipts. Ailla agai~rt th~ Gi~n~ral f~d in tb• ~vn o!~ 501.64 and tla• wat~r rumd in ths ~um of ~86~.~83, ~sr~ rsad bq ths C]~rk, and oa ~otion . ' was sll ao?~d and ord~r~d paid. No furth~r busin~r~~ app~~r3n6~ aud on ~iatio~t th• m~tt ing w~ ad journ~d. Att ~~t ~~~~Z20-aY~taqar. ~ •