Minutes 1935-04-03 _ _ 1~ y C~ , ~ L'1' 1~rroye c3rande, Cal ftornia _ ' ~ April S, 193 6, Citp•Council met in regular s~eeion with Mayor W. Moar=e,. prdieidirrg. On ro~ll call Councilmen Moc~re, Pocr~e, (3ibeon, Phillipa and Arie.co, reported present~ none abaent. Undpproved minutee read and dpproved ae reed. C'ommunicatione read au~d plaeed on til~. Rilla sgainet the aeneaal luud in the sum o! ~`539. aAd th e Wdt sr fund in th e aum oi ~1T3~. Q8 wae read by the ~ Clerk and on ~at~ ion the bill er were n.llo~ved aru! ardered paid. The affiee ot Po~lioe Chief wae deelared vaesmt arnd it ~?ae ths order o~ the Cout~cil thnt F~, E. . Ewi.ng is appoirrted tc fill the vaoanesy. No further t~ueiaebe appearing aad on Mo~ios ~ • the meeting w~e sd~ourned. ~ Y e • Atte~t Mayo~. ,