Minutes 1935-05-15 8~. ' Arroro arat~ds, aali~arala~, Ysy 16, 19SIl.. Qity Covnoil m~t ssgnlar ~s~ion with Ytyor Teb~ Yoar~ pr~~idin~.~ ~ ~ Oo rall oall, Counc3l~a~ ltovr~, Pools,~ Q1~sav~, ' ~ Phill~ipr and Bri~oo, rsported pr~s~n~, noa~~ sb~sn~. C. T~. 8~~~1• and oth~s~ appeared b~iore ths Com~oil, aad a~rked th~ Qo~moil to aid tbau in ha~in~ th• Vst~sa~tr oatnp moRed antsid~ th~ Cit~,, ee~ •w ot ~h~ ~a wer~ 3s th~ hsbit et S~ttitr~ 3~o~sioat~ aad staad arovm~d th• gt~ee~t~, the sade ~ot b~in< <o~d ad~srtiai~ tor th~ oitis~~ oi th• Ci~. Coa~tebl• ~d Psarl war pr~~rat, and gan o~ th~ in~formatioaa thst thsr~ wa~ aa`hiaa t~h~ p~soe o!lia~rr oa~uid mrlss~ tb~ss we4~ a aati-drve~icsnae~s Ordiuauo~ pass~ed b~ t~• Coueioil. 'Ph~ Clsrr was 3n~truot~Id t~ Jttoraey ~'its~~sald an~d hat~ s pre~~ r Ord inamos wr it t~a np. Ths alsrr wa• ia~trnot~d to proour~ tro~ C. ~i. Braaoh tl~e ~ p~a, th• City bo~ht ior the C~iei ~ of Polic~. ~ bi1~ in lavos o! th• Stati• Caap~ration Imuranos Fve~d ia th~ ~wn ot ~1~~. w~s ,r~~ by ~h~ Clerk sm~! /atni wapt a11Q~sd and orda3~ed paid~ Cierk r?as iastruot~d to writis our 8ta`e S~na~Eotr, a~d ~,rrsmblrmsa, sspr~e~in~ th~ oppooitios~ ot t3t~ Cowsail, to any changs in th~ ~uto~tiile ~a~. . ~ Ai~o to wriZe Coa~agre~nnan- ~t~bbr, t~ u~e his intln~no~ ~o ha~h the Viteranr osmp talc~a on~ ot the Cit~ liaiti. 1doffis Ya~ 8t~h, at 6 Ooloa~Y P.Y. go lurtDsr bus ~ppsariaq~G ~d oaa lbt th• mseti ing w~ ad 3 onsaed., t / . ~ sr . Att•.tb1~1't.~-~ ~J;~,v~-~r,~,xalror.