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Minutes 1935-06-05
. . _ . V V 1 ~ Arroyo f3ra~a~d~, Caliiarai+~,,, 9 Juna 6, ~9lf6• City. Cou~oil met in r.E~lar +r~ssica? with YayorJ. w. Yo~s prssiding. On roll osii Cova~oil~aan, Yoo~~ Poo~~, t~ib~qn, P'hiiliprs and ~lrl~oa r~paoct~d prssea~, no~us abseaa~« tk~sppro~sd mintites rsad sud sppro~ed as read. 1~ ~~,Qatioa iran Can~r~saatan Stublfas, in~1 r~ga~md to t~h• C. G. C. Camy was r~ad affi ~iao~d ou ti~~. Irw3a Aail~ wers du~ ~pa3ntad Fis• Chisf. Yavsd s~coaded affi carri~d tbat Cotnoilmata . ~ri~oo be authorised to bu~ a s~cond haud ~n~ia~. t~i Yoti~ it na~s ord~d tha~t 9up~ria~t~amda~t S'~iAg haw gat~ds1? aud S~mdar alt'« . Rasc~~rrzos ~ Autborising th~ 8trs~ 8uper3atfad~ tQ pprt not~at• ooa ac1T lots that ooe~s~itut• s iir~ hasa~, th~ R~sol~ion ~as pas~~d br t~• lO13~~TOtt, i~~~,, Do~aaii~. Yoaar~, sib~qtq Poai~,, Ph - Ilip~ sad ~risoe~, ao~a_-l~oo~r, Abr+roa~ Aon~?. _ ,~o t~rthsr bn~in ~ appear3a~g and oa°° Yv~~o~?° th• ~stia~ we~s ed jousn~~ ~ ~ . y •r . Il"tt~~~, cl/~~ f~ ~tizv-v~'~ ~W?Q~. .