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Minutes 1935-08-16
~ 91 ArroTar draade oalitba~ia, Aug~et 1.956, City .Coumcil mst a• a Rosrd o! Equalis~~tfo~,~ s1~ IO Ooloc~ A. It. arrd ns th~r~ w~e na~ a quorum gr~, th • C ity Cl ~rr 4d ~ o~rmed th~ rie~ iag ti o Aug, ],4„ at 8 Ocl~ P• Y. I/~~//~~/~~~. 7 = , ~I~/iH~i~~~~~ N~M~~rMri~N~~~ . ~ August 14, 1936, CYty Couucil ~m~t pursuaa~t to ad~ourm?~nt,, with Ma~ror J. T. ltoore,, praasiding, On ro11 oa11, Counoilm~n Yoare PoQle s~d pri~oo r~ported prss~nt, Gibson and Phillips~ab~em~, ~ ltr. 'C~mpbsiT sutd A~. Ii. food„ ap~areQ sad aska4 to j~aw tb. ir vsiua~ ioa reduoed,. sffi o~ s~t ia~da effi oo~pari~o~ with othsr ~rs~e~r~~#s, tbe ~aYu~ti~o~aa ' wars n~t r~uoac~. • Ro furthsr busia~'~s appsariag the s~~~t~ wss ad~ovsn~d to Aug. T6, at 8 4olorok P• Y. .~.~r~.~ ~ ~~~rw__~.~~__~~.~~~._el'~ • augu.t is, 1836, Cit~ Conncil met pursus~t to ad~ota~snt, witit lts~or 1~. Yoare pres3d i:rg. ~ Om re~ir esii, eov~oailas~r. Yoar~,> Pov~ ar~d P.ri~eo rapcrrt~d pr~s~t,. Cotsic311st~m Qibson sud Ph~l3iip~, a,bn~~nt. Th• Poard oom~iau~sd to exami~mr th~ t~ ~sa~~is aad as thsr~ wes na furtber ooa~r3ai~at• tb~ AoarQ procssda~d to li~c the tu rat~, aad o~ YQtion a! po~le seooadsd by ~itaa, th~ tiu rat~ w~ lis~d a~ larltaws; ~o-~ti~s Gsir~ra2 itu~d ~.86 B~wer bonad t~,, boad tuud,, ~.~5- s~d to tak~ up ~~ts+M! ~ Ass~ssee~~~ ~.10 makiag a totial a~ ~1:A0 oa lita ~lt~• oi valuatio~ Ao furthsr bwia~s~ appsaris~ ~d 4a~ ~ ~iotioa th~ mes~iag was ad~ovsa~« _ . ~ ~ ~s Attm~t ~t.1,,r--a'?~ ltayor. 8ee page 9?,minutes of Aovember 6,1836 !er correot ion.