Minutes 1935-09-04 ~7~'J+ ~rrogQ c~ranQ~, Qa3ltor~E a Bmptember 4,1956- Oity, Council met 3ui regular sseeion with Ya~or ~.~.~oors pree 3QinQ. On ro-11 ca~l Counoil~nen ltoarre,aibsan,Foole a~nd ghilltps reported preseat`. Counoil~nan Arisoos ab~ent'. Y~nutes ot the pr.eoeding meeting were read ~nd ap~ro~ea as re a~. . ~ R~iph Aeanatt,zomar ~dgecoa~b and I~r.l[caregor cams bef~re the Bo~rd to dieou~s ths eetablishing o! grade~ on C~arry and • ~tahnrd Ji~reaauss di tb• Jones S'ubdivieian. .fln aotiau ot P~a~].e,seoomded by P~hillips the grade~• prepared b~ Yr.YoE~rregor, werq approvsd a~i a~ o!liviai grades. ~btion carried in R~s. f8s. > ~ Re~al~tio~• . . . o~approve and e~dapt as olficial grade~ t~or• Chsrry and Qrohar~ 11~?sauee 3a Jo~ss Traot 8"nbdivi~iom dn anotiara br F~illi~, aeca~ded by Qibsaaa to giv~ parmfesioa to the Cr~nar Bbhool to- p~~ 3n •swer rin~, oaudit iaatai o! sppr~al oi piari~ aat! epeoitioat iaas~ , sub~eot te Sohool Bo~d t uraisig Dsolc to th e City o! l~rrayor.• c~rrand~ au oo~pletiaa~ aad tLe Oitp to s~ervise the inetallatia~. Yotio~ Ouried. Regort ~n sohoarl crassing by CaLnoilmea Foa~l.e snd ~ibsQa aad ~eatter disousselC. l~r tiibeon wae asted ta~ oall Cap`. ~,oa~is to see if aa otlioer aould s~ead snaa~ t~ne at the eohoe~T. Ca~munieation• traa~a t#`.l~inck aad It. Fit s aerald we re read and iiled. ~i1T~s against the Qe~srsl lrymd in the am~mt oi 18~2.93~ and th• Tater !'wd ia the suei o! ~477.5~ wers read ~ an motian were passed and ~rdered p~id. ga t~rther busiaes+~ appeariag ,and oa motian the meeting ~ds ad j~turne~. H'.~'.8ta+?art Oit~ ~l~rk By ~daa Bohil~l~~s ~ ~~~t~ ~ ~ ~.tt ert l!~_ Ci~ ttap~or I • I I, / ' ~ ~ - ~ .