Minutes 1935-10-02 . ~ ~ : : J~rrayo Qraads,Calitaraia t?otobe r 8, 3.93b City Co~cil met in rsgular sseeion with Yeyor •J.~•l~oor• presid3ag. Oa ro~tl oall Counoilmen l~oore,Ft~cr1~~P`hillipr,dib~oa reported prsaeat. Couaoilme~a Arisooe ab~snt. ~r~ tAza~pp=oved m3nu~es reed and approved as read. • 5•~•.Truesdals gave a prsliminary repor~ c~a hi~ andit oi th• Qitr bookr. He is ses~ieting in bringing tb~ boolc~ -up to dat• He dieonas~d se~eral ways to s3mpiiiyr City scao~tiag. 8111• agaiast the f3enera~ Fvaa ia the ~maunt ot =601~.-9? aad tLs Tater F~md in th• amount at #aa~.4Q?. wsre r~ad and oa motioan w~ere paeebd aad oraered paid. Ho iurtDer bus3aaes appsaring,on motion t21s meeting wae ad~ovraed. • . , B.F.Btewart y erk !3Y • _ ~Pu Y Jkttsst Yayor