Minutes 1935-11-06 - 97 Arroyo arande,California. l~ovember 6,18$fi. City Couuoil met ia regular seesion wlth Nayor J.T.Yoase presidin~. On roll call Couricilm~ ~toore,Phillips,(3ibsoa and Pools reported preeent,Couuciailman Ariscoa reportea later. The minutee of the preveioue mee~ir~g wera read,and approved ae read. I#.~.Truesdal~ eubmitted auditorr report.0n motion of Phillipe,eeoo~ded by Brisooe,it was the order oi the oomcil to accept eame and nuthorias the Citq Treaeur~r to dd~uet t~e balanoes o! th~ varlous i~ds to oo~form with the City Clerk's balewve sheet o! October 31,~.856. Oa motion it ~ras orderad that the Qity Clerk rectil~ error in the minutes ot Auguet 16,1935, iiaing tau rat• to read as origionally intended:to-wit: Ganeral Ftind ~.96 (l~inetq-iiQe ceats) 8ewer Bcaid Fvud ~.SO (Thirty aeats) Rridge Aoad Fimd: ~.~6 (Twent five cente) and to take up unpaid 8tre~t Aeeeasaaente ~.10 (Tsn oeats) making a total o! ~1.60 (One doliar siuty csnts)on the One hundred dollar valuation~. On motion oi Briscoe escon~ded by Poole it was the order of the Co~cil to ho~d a epeoial elsctioa as •oon as porsible,making the o!lice oi City Clerk appoin~ive iastead o! elsotiv~.Dsputy alerk wne ordered to have Aeeoiution~Aotioe nnd all noceeeary paper,~ prep~red by lt. /l`. Fitz~erald, 3aa Luie Obispo, Calii. Appointment ot 1P. t~. ~"inck, ae deputy to 8. F. Btewsrt City Clerk,wae read and npproTed. Aille againet the f3eaeral Fund in the amovat or ~661.~0 (Biu huudred sixtq ons dollars tweaty cente) aad the l~ater Fuud in the emovnt of ~17 .7b (Seventesn 2~uudrsd four dol~ars sev~snty live cents~were read,and on motio~ wer~ approvsd,and ordersd paid. There being no turther businase to comae before the Qounvil~,cu1 motion the mesting was ad~ourned. B. F. Bt~wart. City Clsrk. ti, , ~eputq. Attest Yayo~.