Minutes 1935-12-04
100 ~
Arroyo Grande~California.
December 4,1935.
ihe City Council net in regular session~with Ivlayor Moore
Cn roll call Councilm~n ~~Ioore~~hillips~Gibson and Poole
re~orted present~Councilman Brisco~absent.
The minutes of the preceding meetin~ tivere read~and approved
~s read.
~ rermission ~vas grant~ed R.G.Cleveland to build a three car
private gara.ge in Crown Hill Addition.
U.G.'a"Jalker renresenting Remington Rand displayed typewriting
m~?chines~and explained the qualities thereof.He was advised that
no ~ction for ~urchase ~vould be taken at this meeting.
The Clerk daas instructed~in the particular case of E.A.Branch
~vhen water consum~tion amounted to 3?5 cu.ft.or less~being one half
of the amount alloted for consumption at ~2.00 per month~to make
a char~e of $1.00 monthly. ~
The Clerk was also instructed to refund individual water
deposits of one year standing~whenrequested by depositor~providing
rnonthly v~ater bills have '~een regularly paid.
The first re~ular meeting date in 1936,being J~nuary lst.it
,~ras ordered set over to Friday January 3,1936.
Bills against the General Fund in the amount of $585.23 and
the ?~'ater Fund in the amount of $536.82 were read~and on motion
were approved and ordered paid.
Bridge Bond #24.due Jul.y. .:1, 1935~and presented for payment on
PJovember 25,1935,in the'amount of ~&OO.OO,and paid by tVarrant #6
v~~.s also approved.
There bein~; no further business to come before the Council~
on motion,the meeting ~vzs adjaurned.
. _ B.F.Stewart. '
City Clerk.
by ~1•~~ ~ -
f~ Deputy.
Attest ~~f `-~a''~
h~ay or .