Minutes 1935-12-18 ~o~ l:rroyo Grande~California~ ~ Deceinber 1~~ 1935. ~ The City Council met in re~ular session,vvit.h h~7ayor P~Ioore presidin~. On roll ca~l9Councilmen T,ioore~Phillips~GiUson and Poole reporteci present~Councilman Brisco carne in later. The ~~7inutes of the preveious meeting were read~and approved as re~.d, ;:L.G.`,7~.1ker znd I-:.J.Nelson of San Luis Cbispo were ~?resent~and displayed ~.nd told of the r,lerits of various rnakes of typewriting n~:chines.They were aclvised that no action for ~urchase t~rculd be taken at this meeting. ~ cor,~unic~tion from the office of Franchise Tax Commissioner~Sacr~.mento,~alif.dated Dec•16~1935 was read~ and the clerk ~•~a.s ordered to furnish the rec~uested information. It tivas decidea ,to canvass the vote of the Special Election to be held on Tuesday January 7~1936~on F~Tonday January 13~1936. It was also decic~ed that the compensation of the Election Officers for the S~ecial ~lection Ue fixed at Four pollars (~4.Q0) each. The clerk t~,as instructed to make a~~plication for cornpensation insur~nce ~aith the State Cor~mensation Fund, San Francisco~Calif.covei°ing the City„`~I.P•A.Projec-ts to begin Dec.~~3~1935. There,bein~ no further business to come before the Council~on mo~iori~the meeting vuas adjourned. - E.F.Stewart. ' City Clerk. bY ~ttestG~ Deputy Clerk. T~layor.