Minutes 1936-02-25 1"08 ~ y ~'~7 Arroyo Grande California. ~ ~'ebruai'Y 25 ~ 193b • a' The City Council met in an adjourned regular session with ~a~yor Moore presiding. On roll call Councilmen Moore~Brisco~Phillips and Poole reported present~Councilman Gibson absent. The I~ayor stated that the purpose of the meeting was Por the Pinal reading and vo~ing on Ch~dinance #~2. ORDINANCE #52. AAT ORDII~ANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR~iNDE FIXING THE COYPEIriSATIOI~ ~0 BF PAID T4 ~HE CTTY CLERK 'OF SAID CITY AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES A~1VD RESOLUTIONS I~' C~NFLICT FiEREVPITH. The City Council of the City oP Arroyo Grande do ordain as follows: SECTION l. From and after the 20th.day of April 1936~ - the City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande shall receive a ~ mcnthly salary cr Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00/104) payable cn the first day of each month for services rendered d~ring the precedi~r~g mogth. SECTION 2. Such salary shall be f"~zll compensation for all services required by la~r or ordinance to be performed by said City Clerk. SECTION 3. All ordinancea or parts oP ordinances of the City of Arroyo Graade~ and all reaolutions and parts oP resolutions adopted by the City Conncil oP said City~ in con- flict wi~h this ordinance,are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the ~ity Council of the City of Arroyo Grande and approved by me this 25th.day of February 1936. 2~~ . Nayo~c~ . ATTESTs B.F.Stewart City Clerk. , ~ By~Deputy .ty Clerk. . . I hereby certiPy that the Poregoir~g ordinance was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Couneil of the City oP Arroyo Grande duly held on the 19th.day of February 1936~and was finally passed and adopted at an ad~ourned regular meeting of said City Council duly held on the 25th.day of February 1936~by the Pollowing vote: AYESs Moore~Brisco~Phillips and Poole. ~'OES s None . ABSENTs Gibson. And that said ordinance was presented to~approved and signed by ~he.Mayor of said City on ~he 25th.day of February 1936. / ~l~.~iV'4i~1~~Riu~it• - - City Clerk. ~ = ~ Deputy Gity Clerk. ~ There ~eing no fLirther business to co~e bePore the ~ouncilroa ~o~~ of Phillips~seconded by Briscv the meeting was adjou~~. B.F.Stewart. City Clerk. Atte~ts ~l~ `~U `?'v,~'~~ ' ~4YoI'• nY Deputy Cit,T.~£lerk.