Minutes 1936-03-04 109 Arroyo Grande~California. ~tarch 4,1936. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Moore presiding. On roll call Councilmen Moore~Phillips and Poole reported present~Councilmen Brisco and Gibson~absent. The minutes of the preveious regular and adjourned meetings were read~and approved as read. Communications from Fred Marsalek and the Division of Highways were read and ordered Piled. VUarrants against the ~Nater Fund amounting to One Hundred Fifty TwoFDoxl~Ps Ten Cents ($152.10) and the General Fund in the amount of Eight F~undred Twenty I3ollars ~ Seventy Nine Cents ($820.79) were audited~approved and ordered paid The f'ollowing notice of election was read and ~pproved~and ordered published in the Herald-Recorder. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that a General B~unicipal Election will be held in the City oP Arroyo Grande~California on Tuesday~the 14th.day of Apri1,1936~for the following officers: Three Councilmen Full Term One City Treasurer ~.ill Term One City Clerk Full Term There will be one voting precinet for the purpose of holding said election~consisting of a eonsolidation oP the regular election precincts established for holding state or county elections~as follows: Consolidated Voting Precinct "A" comprising state and county precinets numbers Arroyo Grande No.l Precinct and Arroyo Grande No.2 Precinct~and the polling place thereof shall be at the City Hall. The polls will be open between the hours oP 8:00 o'clock A.M.and 7:00 o'clock P.M. The following named persons have b~en duly appointed as election officers for the holding and conducting said election~namely: INSPECTOR I~yrtle Bailey. Judge Henry E.Cox. Clerks Edna M.Schilling-Mae C.Ketchum. In all particulars such election shall be held and conducted in the manner provided Por the holding and conducting of municipal elections in said City and in ' accordance wit~[ the laws oP the State, of California applicable thereto. Dated this 4th.day of March,l936. B.F.Stewart City Clerk. gy ~j. .~'`7Z'~~cs~° Deput3r City Clerk. The compensation to be paid to the election officers for tl~e General ~unicipal Election oP April 14th.~936 was discussed~and ordered f'ixed at Five Dollars ($~-.00) each. ~1~}, l~arch 4~~,936-Continued. ~P . H AN ORDTI~ANCT 0~' THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXING THE ~ COI~PERSATION TO BE PAID TO THE CITY ~'REASURER p~ . S,AID, CITy, ~T T~e~~re ordinas~e was re~.d and int,~oduced~and ordered laid over to an adjourned reg?ular meetir~g to be held on Ttiesday ~larch loth.1936,at ~:00 o'clock P.M. There being no Purther business to come bePore the Council~on motion th~ meeting was adjourned. B,F.Stewart. City Clerk. ATTEST: Mayor . By~ ~7Z~G.cuf . Deputy City ~lerk. ~r ~r-.~ Arroyo Grande~California. ~arch 10,1936. The City Couneil met in an adjourned regular session with Mayor Moore presiding. On roll call Councilmen Moore~Brisco,Phillips and Poole reported present~Councilman Gibson~absent. ~he Mayor stated. that the purpose oP the meeting was for the final reading and voting on Ordinance #53• ORDINANCE#53• AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAI9DE FIXING TFIE COMPENSATIOA TO BE PAID TO THE CITY TREASURER OF SAID CITY. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande do ordain as follows: SECTION 1-From and after the 20th.day of April 1936~ the City Treas~rer of the City of Arroyo Grande shall recieve a - monthly salary of Five Dollars ($5.04) payable on the first day of each month for service rendered during the preeeding month. SECTION 2-Such salary shall be full compensation for all services required by law or ordinance to be performed by said ~ C.ity Treasurer. PASSED AND ADOP2ED by the City Council of the City oP Arroyo Grande and approved by me this lOth.day of ~arch 1936. ti~~ 2~- w . Mayor. B.F.Stewart ' City Clerk. ATTEST : y ~ B Deputy City Clerk. ~ I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular meeting oP the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande held on the 4th.day of ~arch 193b,and was finally passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting o~' said City Council duly held on the lOth.day of ~arch 1936~by the follo~ring vote: AYESa Dioore~Brisco~Phillips and Poole. NO~~~ None. AB$ENT: Gibson. And that said ordinance was presented to~approved and signed by ~he Ma~yor of said City on the lOth.day of March 1936. B.F.Stewsrt ~ , ^ City Clerk. ! By 7~' y~~~c~-~ Deputy City Clerk. There being no further business to come befo~e theCouncil~ on motion of-.Phillips,seconded by poole the meeting was adjourned. B.F.Stewart City Clerk. ATTEST: ~~G ~ gy ~ ~~~u.~ Mayor. Deputy City Clerk. ~lo ~arch 4~1936-Continued. y AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXIPTG 2HE ~ a'" CO~PENSATION TO BE PAID TQ THE CITY TREASURER QF S~AID.CITY. ~ Th~ ~ ordir~a.n~e was read and introduced,and ordered laid over to an adjourned regular meeting to be held on Tuesday . ~Barch loth.1936,at ~':OO o'clock P.~. There being no f'urther business to come before the Council~on motion the meeting was adjourned. B.F.Stewart. City Clerk. ATTEST: Mayor. . Deputy City Clerk. a - Arroyo Grande~California. March 10,1936. The City Couneil met in an adjourned regular session with Mayor Moore presiding. On roll call Councilmen Moore~Brisco~Phillips and Poole reported present~Councilman Gibson~absent. The Mayor stated that the purpose of the meeting was for the final reading and voting on Ordinance #53• ORDINANCE#53• AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXING THE COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE CITY TREASURER OF SAID CITY. The Citq Council of the City of Arroyo Grande do ordain as follows: SECTION 1-From and after the 20th.day of April 1936~ the City Treasurer of the City of Arroyo Grande shall recieve a monthly salary of Five Dollars ($5.00) payable on the first day of each month for service rendered during the preceding month. SECTION 2-Such salary shall be f~ll compensation Por all services required by law or ordinance to be perPormed by said Cit Treasurer. Y P ED C C ncil of he Ci o~ PASSED AND ADO T b the it ou t ty Y Y Arroyo Grande and approved by me this lOth.day og ~aarch 1936. ~ G~~~~-~ ~--~1~~ _ Ma.yor . B.F.Stewart ~ City Clerk. ATTEST : y ~ B Deputy City Clerk. ~ I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande held on the 4th.day of ~arch 1936,and ' was finally passed and adopted at an adjourned re~ular meeting o~' ~I said City Council duly held on the lOth.day of March 1936~by the following vote: AYES: Moore,Brisco~Phillips and Poole. NO~S~ None. ' ABSENT: Gibson. And that said ordinance was presented to~approved and signed by the Mayor of said City on the lOth.day of March 1936. B.F.Stewart City Clerk. By ~~'G~ Deputy City Clerk. There being no further business to come before theCouncil~ on motion of Phillips,seconded by poole the meeting was adjourned. B.F.Stewart City Clerk. ATTEST: ~ q, p Q V~G By ~ ~ `t~~p ~ Mayor. Deputy City Clerk.