Minutes 1936-03-18 111. Arroyo Grande~California. ~arch 18,1936. The City Cou~cil'me~ in regular session with Mayor Moore presiding. On ro11 ca~l Coune~imen Moore~Phillips~Gibson and Poole reported pr~sentiGouneilman Brisco came in later. The mir~utes ~ of the last regular ~ and ad j ourned regular meetings were read~and approved as read. A commiunication from the Division of Highways~relative to Railroad Warning Approach Signs on Route #147 was read.Af~r discussion the clerk was instructed to investigate the style and type required~and the cost thereof. Mr.G.F.Dixson came before the Council and submitted prices on additional equipment for #4 water well. After discussion it was moved by Councilman Brisco~seconded by Councilman Gibson to purchase from John Bean ~dfg.Co.one set of bowls~l3 stages of 10 in.enameled impellers~the full cost with State tax and old bowls included to be $432.26 A motion by Councilman Brisco~seconded by Councilman Phillips ordered the purchase from Gordon F.Dixson~30 ft.oP 6 in.standard column~with 2~ in.tube and 1~ in.shaFt in 10 ft.lengths.Also an end oil line of 30 ft.,each in 10 ft. len~ths with pump installed at a net cost of $157.74 Bills against the General Fund for $50.91~and Water Fund for $671.33~were audited,approved and ordered paid. There being no further business to come before the Council~ on motion the meeting was adjourned. B.F.Stewart. 1i~'~ ~'~'1~D7~- eity Clerk. ATTEST: ~ , ~dayor. By Deputy City Clerk.