Minutes 1936-05-20
11~ ~
~rro~o Gramde~ ~alifornia. ~
~y 20, Zq36 ~
~ity Cotrneil met in regu~ar session with ~yor W.A. Comr~d
On roll c~ll ~ounei3m~n, W. A~. eonrad, J. S. Gibson,
• H. 8. Phillips and W. T. Vlfhitlock reported presen~~
J. Sehnyder absent. .
~'.iautes of previous meeting read a~d approved as re~d.
Communications read~and ordered placed om file.
BZfirr. Wheeler of Q~ea~a had 1?~aap o~ Suk~di~aision o~' a p$rcel
of the Town of f}ceana gresented f or accept~r~ce. Same u~s
ac~epted 'by ~ity eouneil and signed ts~ Mayor and Clerk.
lliirr. l~orthoaer;appeared before the ~ouncil and requested
an appeal to the Board o~ Superui~ors regarciing retail
prices of gasoliae. He stated that Los Berros was able to
sell ~asoline at 1/2¢ le~,s per gallon tham.Arroyo Grande
No action taken.
. ~I.o~ed seconded an~3 carried to earieel T~x Bill
Clerk instructed to h~~e assessmemt roll made up in
~ount~r A,ssessor *s of`.€ice so that ~~mplete lega~ description
of all property might ~e had.
Clerk iastrueted to notify publie through loe~l aewspaper
that all ~reeds and unsight~y rubbish must he removed from all
propert~r;Vbefore aune ~~,1936, or same will be removed by City
and charged against pro~ert~r. eity trucks u~ill h~ul alI such
weeds and rubbish until:: Ju.~e 1~; thereafter none will be hauZed
uni~ii_ next year.
Now therefore i~e it resolved;
That the City Coumcil of the ~ity of Arroyo Gramde do
hereby authorize City Clerk R. B. ~ine~u to sign budge~
appropriatipm with State Fiig~mray ~ommissioa, vrith referen~e
to 1/4~¢ Gas Tax alloestion ~'or ~~ty Streets.
Passed and adopted by the C3ty ~auncil ~P Arr~a~ro Grande ,
on this 20th. day of Ma~~ 1936 by the followim;g ~€ote.
~yes - Councilmen Conrad, Gibson, Phillips and J~hitloCk.
~oes - ~'one .
Abs e~~ ou~ i lma~ Scl~nyder .
M~y or
~i.t~r Clerk v~` r
Fassed ~nd appraved this 2~tri day of May 1936 .
Bills against the General ~ind in the ~ount og ~i ~6~. ~Q
were audited approved and ordered---pa~~:~~~_..-~ _.u_...r.~
There heing ao further business the meeting was adjourned.
~ ~ y~~~~`'~--~
~ity C3erk ,