Minutes 1936-07-01 121 Arroyo Gramd:e, t~alif . July 1, 1936 , City Couneil met in regular session with Mayor . 'N. A. Conrad presiding. ' On roll eall Councilmen Con~ad, Gibson~ Phillips~ :~Uhitloek and Schnyder reportec~ present. Absent none. Minutes of previous meet.i.ng read and approved as read. CommuniEations read and ordered placed on file. City Clerk instructed to contact Attorney Fitzgerald in regard to communications~ partieularly , the legality of the City Clerk being the City T~ Colleetor. , Bills against the General Fund in the amount of $1714.28 and the Water rund in the amount of $468.08 v~ere audited appro~ed and ordered paid. Street Superintendent Ewing instructed to erect stand pipe on Braneh Street~ on fill near Hagoo Property~ • prouiding permission can be obtained from State Highway. I Couneil agrees to buy Tank to be used for sprinkler. The subject of leasing the City Lot on Traffic 'JVay was diseussed and referred to Street Committee for inves- tigation. The sum of $ 15.00 was suggested as bei~ig an • approximat~ ~enta3 figure per month. Subject finally left to discre,,~tion of Street Committee. No further business appearing and upon motion the , meeting was adjourned. L~~ ~ia or ~ ~ Cit Clerk Y - 3~