Minutes 1936-07-15 122 y Ci7 ~ I~rroyo ~rande~ Carlif. ~ ~ ~ July 1~, 193~ ~ity Co~:neil met in regular session with Mayor W. A. Conrad ~residing. On roll'call Coun~ilmen ~onrad~ Gibson~ P~illips and Whitlock reported present; Schnyc~er absent. Minutes of previous meeting read and approeed as read. Communieations read and ordered placed on file. Councilman Gibson reported for street Committee that he had contacted party in regard to renting City Lo~ on T~affic Way. Report atated that $18.00 per month ~s a~ maximum and $1~.0~ per month as a minimum were the rent~l figurea adopted by the ~orarnittee. The subject of' Bread V~agon Ordinah~e was discussed at length and_Ci~y Licenae Collecto~ Norton £inally instrueted to a~uait report from ~ity Attorney Fitzger~ld. Claims against the General Fund in the amount of $ 2~.00 were audited approved and ordered paid. , ~ The aubject of the lo~ation for and the er~tiox~ af a stand pipe for loading water tru~ks wa~s left to ~at~' .~uge~~ in.tendent Ewing. No fl~~ther business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ , f . ~Iayor ~i~y Clerk ~