Minutes 1936-09-02 125 ~
Arroyo t~rande, c;alifornia l
September 2, 1936
City Couneil met in regular session with t~ayor vV. A. ~omrad
On roll call Couneilmen Conrad~ Gibson~ Phillips~ SEhnyder
and Whitloek reported present. Absent none.
lu~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Communieations read anci ordered placed on file.
ORDIIVTAI~TCE N0.54 ~ras read for the first time to be reread
at the next regular meeting:.
Upon motion the meeting v~as temporarily adjourned until
after the meeting of the t~oard of Equalization.
1~eeting of '1'rustees reopened for the purpose of fi~in~
the tax rate for the fiscal year 1936-37•
City Auditor Harry '1'ruesdale was present and stated
the approximate amounts whieh would be neeessary to raise
for the various funds for the corr~ing year. After due
deliberation~ and upon motion whieh was seconded and carried,
the tax rate was set as follows. $1.OC General ~l,ind, 40¢
Sewer Bond r und ~ 10¢ Bridge t~ond Ftiind ~ and 1~¢ Speeial Street
. Assessment Fund making a total rate of ~1.60 on eaeh ~100.OC of
assessed valuation.
Po2ice Chief 1!'orton instructed to work at school erossing
temporarily under specified hours and with the eooperation
of the school faculty .
Dills against the Ueneral r'und in the amount of $~~8.16
and the JJater r'und in the amount of $452.2~ were audited
approved and ordered paid.
No f'urther business appearing upon motion the meeting was
~ ~ ~ ,
~iayor. Cit Clerk