Minutes 1936-10-07 127 Rrroyo Grande~ ~~lifornia Oetober 7, 1936 ~ Cit~y Coun~-il met in regular session with ~dayor '~T. A. Conrad ~}residing. On roll call Coun~ilmen Canrad~ Gibson~ Phillips~ Schnyder and Whitloek reported present. ~bserit nane. ~inutes of the previ~ous meeting r~ad and approved ~s read. Comm~uiications read and ordered placed on fil~. Cammitte~ on Streets ~nd Town Lands reportetl that they ~rere ' espeeting a bid oa the City property f"~on~i~g on TraP£fc ~Tay ~cross ~om present Richfield Service Statfon. S~rbject of t~e s~le value of' the property v~as considered and after some dis- cn.ssion a tentati~e grice of $13~. aras agre~ccl upon b~r the Countil. F~rmission was grauted t.Iie Arroyo Grande Valley Holding Corp. to use City Hall for a storkholders meeting '3~esdaq O~t 20th. Bi~ls against the General F'tind in the amount oF $935.8~ and the zNater F1znd in the amoun~ oP $571.72 were audited a~pproved and " ~ ordered paid. Chief of Police l~orton was instructed to eaforce Ordinanee ' #45 in regard to one 0'clock elosing of dances. ' I~c gtzrther b~sineas appearing ~d upon motion the meeting was " adjourne~ ti 1 y ! ~ ~ ~ ~ City C' e~Y Arroyo Grande ~ Calif`ornia october 21, 19~.6 City Cauncil met in regular session with Mayor W. A. Conrad presidix~g. On roll eall Counc:ilmen Conrad~ Gibson and Whi~l.oek reported presen~. Cauneilmen P~illips and Sehnyder aba~nt. Mirrutes of previous meeting read and apprnved as read. Co~rmaunications read and ordered plaeed on file. Claims apainst the General Ftit#~d in the A~~unt of $ 2~2.,~9 were audited. $pprove~ and orc3.~red paid. Subje~t of delinquen~ water bill against H. 0. Stevenson propert,y ~nzas discussed and Baard ruled that it wa~s a lien ~ og said property and must be paid. Council.man Whitlock delegated as a~ Committee oP one to interview &ir. Brown and ~Gr. Spurlock regardir~g purehase and installation of a water line to eatend to their ranches~. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. 7 . - . ~dayor City Clerk